Sanctions are forever. Medvedev "encouraged" Russians with a new forecast
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Sanctions are forever. Medvedev "encouraged" Russians with a new forecast

Medvedev predicts that Russia will remain under sanctions forever

Former President of the Russian Federation Dmytro Medvedev once again decided to reflect on the topic of sanctions against Russia and came to the disappointing conclusion that no one will ever cancel them.

Points of attention

  • Trump plans to use sanctions against other countries as little as possible to preserve the dollar's status as a global currency.
  • Medvedev believes that sanctions against Russia will remain until the collapse of the United States.
  • He urges the Russians not to be happy about Trump's promises to lift sanctions, as he considers them to be empty words.

Medvedev predicts that Russia will remain under sanctions forever

Putin's henchman drew the attention of Russians to the recent statement of US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The latter began to claim that he would cancel sanctions against the Russian Federation if he returned to the White House.

However, Medvedev called on Russians not to be in a hurry to rejoice at such promises of the republican, because, in his opinion, these are just empty words.

Trump is, after all, a systemic character. Yes, he's an extravagant narcissist, but he's also a pragmatist. Trump, as a businessman, understands that sanctions harm the dominance of the dollar in the world. However, not enough to stage a revolution in the USA and go against the anti-Russian line of the notorious deep state, which is much stronger than any Trump.

Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev

Former President of the Russian Federation

According to Putin's henchman, the Russians should not count on Kamala Harris and got ready.

Taking into account all these factors, the Russian politician came to the conclusion that no one will ever cancel the sanctions against Russia.

Sanctions against the USSR existed throughout the 20th century. They returned in the 21st century on an unprecedented scale. Therefore, for all of us — sanctions forever. More precisely, before the collapse of the United States during the inevitable new civil war, Medvedev dreamed.

Photo: screenshot

What Trump said about anti-Russian sanctions

According to the Republican, if he wins the election, he will use sanctions against other countries, in particular Russia, "as little as possible."

Moreover, Donald Trump began to claim that sanctions "kill the dollar" and "kill everything the dollar represents."

He also added that he wants to preserve the status of the dollar as a "world currency", so he will begin to lift sanctions.

If we were to lose the dollar as a world currency, I think it would be the equivalent of losing a war, which would make us a third world country. (...) Because look, you lose Iran, you lose Russia, China is trying to make its currency dominant. There are so many conflicts with all these countries that you will lose the dominance of the dollar. Therefore, I want to use sanctions as little as possible.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

A candidate for the presidency of the United States

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