Satellite images revealed aftermath after SSU drone attack on Russian Adygea
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Satellite images revealed aftermath after SSU drone attack on Russian Adygea

Source:  Radio Svoboda

On June 20, Ukrainian defenders attacked an oil depot in Russian Adygea with drones. Satellite images of the consequences of the attack appeared.

Points of attention


  • Satellite images after the attack showed damaged buildings and warehouses near the oil depot.
  • These attacks put additional pressure on the Russian budget and infrastructure due to the need to restore facilities.
  • The incident also helps reduce the resources Russia can use in the war, thereby complicating its position.
  • Fires at oil depots in the Tambov region and Adygea have the potential to have a major impact on the economic and military situation in the region.

Satellite images of SSU attack aftermath in Russian Adygea have appeared

On the night of June 20, the Defense Forces of Ukraine attacked the oil depot in the village of Enem with drones. The oil base belongs to the Lukoil Yugnefteproduct company.

Satellite images show that the attack destroyed at least one building and damaged a hangar next to it. The fuel tanks themselves were probably not damaged.

The head of the Republic of Adygea, Marat Kumpilov, reported the fire as a result of the attack. According to a Russian official, the fire covered an area of 400 square meters.

What is known about the SSU drone attack on the Russian oil depots

On June 20, Russia complained about an attack on an oil depot in the Tambov region. A large-scale fire started. The local authorities declared about "cotton" and reported that there were no victims.

Later it became known that SBU drones successfully attacked an oil depot in the Tambov region and an object in the Republic of Adygea. In particular, this night was affected:

  • warehouse of fuel and lubricants JSC "Tambovnaftoprodukt";

  • "Enemska" oil depots and "LUKOIL-Yugnaftoprodukt" LLC.

Raw materials and finished products were processed and stored at the above-mentioned facilities. The products, in turn, went to the needs of Russian terrorists.

After the successful strikes, fires started at both objects.

As the sources explained, the strikes help reduce the resources Russia can use to wage war. In particular, the terrorist country is also forced to spend on the restoration of its own infrastructure, which is an additional pressure on its budget, which is already burdened by sanctions restrictions.

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