Scouts of the LSR appealed to the residents of the Kursk region
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Scouts of the LSR appealed to the residents of the Kursk region

LSR fighters

Scouts of the volunteer Legion "Freedom of Russia" appealed to the residents of the Kursk region to provide information on the location of the equipment of the criminal army of the Russian Federation.

Points of attention

  • The Legion 'Freedom of Russia' appeals to residents of Kursk for information on the location of Russian army equipment, aiming to divert attention from the front in Ukraine.
  • Ukrainian military's sudden advance in the Kursk region opens a new front in Russia, raising questions about its risks and benefits in improving Ukraine's overall position in the war.
  • Analysts highlight the crucial aspect of Ukraine maintaining momentum and turning successes into advantages while facing the challenges of controlling seized territories and repelling Russian counterattacks.
  • The urgency for quick and strategic actions by Ukrainian forces is emphasized as time works against them, with warnings that Russians will not remain disorganized indefinitely.
  • Journalists and military analysts underscore the uncertainty surrounding Ukraine's next moves in the offensive operation, questioning whether they will continue advancing or retreat to avoid overstretching their forces.

What is known about the appeal of LSR fighters to the residents of Kurshchyna

Legion fighters emphasized that there was no repetition of the Russian Buchi scenario in any settlement on the territory of 800 square kilometers.

Local residents are not already lying cold by the roads, but are writing to the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin with a request to "help". Putin will not help the residents of the Kursk region, as was the case with the population of Belgorod, Orsk, Buryatia and other regions. But here we can. Follow the example TASS, which filmed the movement of equipment: send information about the location, movement of equipment and whether you have other information, LSR noted.

What they say in Ukraine about the goals of the offensive operation in Kursk

Journalists of The New York Times, referring to the statement of a high-ranking Ukrainian official, note that the purpose of the offensive operation of the Ukrainian military in the Kursk region is to divert the attention of the criminal army of the Russian Federation from the situation at the front in Ukraine.

Kyiv's sudden advance into the Russian Federation temporarily shifted the focus of the war, opening a new front inside Russia and forcing Moscow to take measures to stop Ukraine's advance. At the same time, the operation raised the question of whether it is worth the risk, given that Ukrainian forces are already overstretched. It is also unclear whether the mission will help Ukraine to improve its position on the rest of the battlefield, the publication emphasizes.

Military analysts point out that the main question at the moment is whether Ukraine will be able to maintain the momentum and turn successes into profitable arguments for itself.

It remains to be seen whether Ukraine will try to advance further in order to strengthen control over the territory it has seized, or will retreat in a few days, as happened in previous, smaller-scale cross-border raids, the publication notes.

Emil Kastelmi, an analyst of the Finnish organization Black Bird Group, emphasizes that the Ukrainian military cannot continue moving further north without expanding its own flanks and repelling counterattacks by the Russian invaders.

Time is working against the Ukrainians... Russians will not be disorganized forever, - warns Castelmi.

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