SSU detains adjusters of double Russian strike on Pokrovsk
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SSU detains adjusters of double Russian strike on Pokrovsk

Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) detained six agents of the Russian Federation. They corrected the double strike by "Iskanders" on a high-rise building in Pokrovsk, Donetsk region.

What is known about the detained adjusters of the Russian strike on Pokrovsk

Law enforcement officers found out that on August 7, 2023, the Russian occupiers carried out a double strike with "Iskander" missiles on the city of Pokrovsk at the behest of the detainees.

In the first strike, the Russians targeted an apartment building, and when police and rescuers arrived, they struck again. There were killed and injured.

Also, the intelligence group prepared coordinates for missile strikes on the bases of the Defence Forces in the direction of Avdiivka. Agents went around the area and tried to fix the defensive positions of the Armed Forces. They had a joint curator of military intelligence of the Russian Federation.

An employee of the Russian intelligence service used pro-Kremlin Telegram channels to find potential agents and recruit them.

The SSU investigators informed all the detainees about the suspicion under Chapter 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine — treason under martial law. The issue of additional qualification of the crime under Article 438 of the Criminal Code (violation of the laws and customs of war). The suspects face life imprisonment.

What is known about the shelling of Pokrovsk

On August 7, 2023, the Russian military shelled a high-rise building in the city of Pokrovsk (Donetsk region). The enemy first attacked the house with "Iskanders".

Russian missiles damaged private and nine- and five-story houses, a hotel, restaurants, shops and administrative buildings.

The repeated attack was on rescuers and police officers who were working on liquidation of the consequences.

In total, as a result of the shelling of Pokrovsk, seven people were killed (five civilians, a rescuer and a soldier), and 88 were injured.

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