The Russian opposition Telegram channel ASTRA reports a new large-scale attack by the Ukrainian Defense Forces on a military facility in the aggressor country of Russia.
Points of attention
- Ukraine carried out a missile attack on a military facility in Russia in the Oryol region using Storm Shadow missiles.
- Two Russian soldiers were killed and seven were wounded.
- Also learn the details of the attack on the Russian ship "Fedor Uryupin" in occupied Crimea.
What is known about Ukraine's new attack on Russia?
According to anonymous sources, ASTRA is talking about 3 Storm Shadow missiles.
They hit a military facility in the Oryol region on Thursday, December 26.
According to the latest data, 2 servicemen were killed and at least 7 others were injured.
In addition, it is indicated that on December 26, a siren sounded in the region, and schoolchildren were evacuated.
The governor announced the missile threat, but did not report on the consequences of the attack.
Ukrainian drone attacked Russian ship "Fedor Uryupin"
On December 23, it became known that a drone had hit the ship "Fedor Uryupin".
What is important to understand is that this ship was captured by the aggressor country Russia during the occupation of Crimea in 2014.
A drone attacked a ship in the bay near Chornomorske, causing damage.
According to Crimean Wind, the ship has not been used recently.
Against this background, it is also worth recalling that on November 6, Ukrainian drones struck the naval base of the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy.
This was another successful and large-scale special operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.