Supplied to Ukraine SAAB 340 helps F-16s obtain accurate target coordinates, aviation expert says
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Supplied to Ukraine SAAB 340 helps F-16s obtain accurate target coordinates, aviation expert says

SAAB 340
Source:  Espresso

Kostyantyn Kryvolap, an ex-engineer for tests of KB "Antonov", an aviation expert, noted that the F-16 would receive accurate target coordinates thanks to data from the SAAB 340 early warning and control aircraft.

What is the main task of the Swedish SAAB 340 aircraft in Ukraine

We receive a lot of information from our partners, we have air defense systems, there are special radars that also monitor the airspace of Ukraine. Along the border with Poland and Romania, NATO surveillance aircraft AVACS, which can see somewhere 800 km away, conduct constant patrols, he said.

In addition, the expert added that one source of information for us is the drones that fly over the Black Sea and fly even to Gelendzhik, where Putin can rest.

That is, we have some information, but the main problem with the Swedish Saab 340 aircraft is that we had concerns about the range of the radars on the F-16s, which will soon be operating in our airspace. If this radar has a shorter range than the radar on the Su-35, if the missiles have a shorter radius than the Su-35, then the F-16s will be targets for the Su-35, Kostyantyn Kryvolap noted.

According to him, with the appearance of the Swedish SAAB 340 aircraft, which sees the entire space, information will be transmitted on board the F-16.

Even the F-16 radar will not see the target, but will know its exact coordinates thanks to the data from the Saab 340. The F-16 pilot will only have to launch the missile, because the missile will also be given the appropriate targeting. In this way, the problem with radars, with the Su-35, and with missile ranges is solved. So this is the main task of the SAAB 340 aircraft. Apparently, the Swedes are giving us one of the latest radar modifications on the SAAB 340. This Swedish aircraft can see everything flying in our direction, so we can target everything we have to accurately , reliably and qualitatively hit the enemy's targets, — summarised Kostyantyn Kryvolap.

Sweden presented the largest aid package to Ukraine

Sweden presented the sixteenth and currently the largest aid package to Ukraine for 1.16 billion euros. In particular, it included aeroplanes, armoured vehicles, ammunition, and tanks.

The aid package included ASC 890-type early warning and control aircraft and guidance capabilities.

ASC 890 provides Ukraine with completely new opportunities for radar reconnaissance and combat control of targets in the air and at sea. Ukraine's ability to identify long-range targets and combat them is being strengthened. The aircraft has a comprehensive solution that includes training, technical equipment and methodical support for radar reconnaissance and air combat management, the Swedish government notes.

The aid package also includes Rb 99 (AMRAAM) missiles, which can be used on aircraft and ground-based air defence systems to strengthen Ukraine's air defences further. Missiles are modified for ground air defence systems.

Sweden will also provide Ukraine with artillery shells of 155 mm calibre.

The new aid package included the Swedish stock of Pansarbandvagn 302 and Pbv 302 armoured vehicles, including spare parts, technical equipment, and ammunition.

The 16th military support package includes surplus tanks to the Swedish armed forces, decisions on maintaining previously donated Swedish equipment, financial support of funds, and temporary initiatives for quick and large-scale equipment procurement for Ukraine.

Also, as part of the aid package, the Institute of Total Defence Research is tasked with supporting Ukraine in creating its defence research institute.

Sweden will also hand over terminals with a subscription to satellite communication.

Ukraine's needs are still great, and Russia is currently putting pressure on Ukraine on several fronts. Russia is intensifying airstrikes against both military and civilian targets. Therefore, the government is helping Ukraine with another record package of military support. Swedish support contributes to the strengthening of the collective Ukrainian military potential, the message says.

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