The analyst revealed Trump's main secret regarding Ukraine
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The analyst revealed Trump's main secret regarding Ukraine

Trump hides that he dreams of defeating Russia
Source:  The New York Times

According to American analyst and columnist David French, US presidential candidate Donald Trump wants Ukraine to win the war, but is not going to announce it publicly.

Points of attention

  • Trump dreams of Ukraine's victory in the war with Russia, but does not want to admit it.
  • There are risks associated with Trump's unpredictability.
  • He can make false steps in the international arena and harm Ukraine.

Trump hides that he dreams of defeating Russia

The expert points out that during a recent debate with Democrat Kamala Harris, the Republican refused to say—despite being asked a lot about it—that he wanted Ukraine to win the war with Russia.

A position that may seem reasonable until you realize that trying to force peace at this stage of the conflict will almost certainly seal a Russian triumph. "Russia would hold a huge part of Ukrainian territory, and Putin would rightly believe that he has defeated both Ukraine and the United States," French said.

According to the analyst, at the moment there is simply no scenario in which the triumph of Russia would be in the interests of the United States and Donald Trump himself.

And this means that the Republican also wants and will strive for the victory of Ukraine, although he does not publicly declare it.

The victory of the Russian Federation will not only expand the Kremlin's sphere of influence, but will also be a disaster for human rights and threaten the disappearance of Ukrainian national identity, which will lead to a change in the "global balance of power," warned David French.

Trump can still make false moves

According to the analyst, in many situations, the Republican still tends to think not just about himself, but about himself "in the most unstable way."

Therefore, there is a risk that an odious politician will lose his sense of reality and wreak havoc.

Having watched him closely for nine years, our adversaries and allies know this to be true. They know that he is gullible and impulsive. Trump's reluctance to tell the simple truth — that the Ukrainian victory is in America's national interest — shows that he is still trapped in his own resentments, French explained.

He also warned that Trump, unfortunately, remains extremely unpredictable in his actions on the world stage.

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