The Armed Forces captured more than two hundred Russian conscripts in Kurshchyna
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The Armed Forces captured more than two hundred Russian conscripts in Kurshchyna

Prisoners of Russian military personnel

Since the beginning of the offensive operation in the Kursk region, the Ukrainian military managed to capture at least 250 conscript soldiers of the criminal army of the Russian Federation.

Points of attention

  • Ukrainian military has captured more than 250 Russian conscript soldiers in Kurshchyna, sharing positive experiences of their captivity including good living conditions and medical care.
  • Approximately 20% of the captured Russians are contract workers, with the majority being conscripts openly discussing their actions and experiences at the front.
  • Captured Russian soldiers have shared their experiences of the Ukrainian military attacking their headquarters, fleeing commanders, and being taken prisoner, followed by receiving food, water, and humane treatment.
  • Journalists have visited the prison where the Russian prisoners of war are held, providing insights into the conditions and stories of the captured soldiers.
  • Despite the gloomier mood among older soldiers in captivity, the captured Russian soldiers speak of their experiences in Ukrainian prisons, including medical care, meals, and interactions with Ukrainian soldiers.

What is known about the capture of hundreds of Russian conscripts in Kurshchyna

It is noted that the journalists of the publication visited one of the Ukrainian prisons in the northeast, where prisoners of the Russian military are taken in the Kursk region.

According to the head of the prison, over the past 10 days, 320 Russians have been brought here, the vast majority of whom are conscript soldiers.

The Armed Forces captured more than 250 soldiers of the Russian army in Kurshchyna
Captured Russian soldiers

At the same time, only about 20% are Russians who were mobilized and contract workers.

Thus, the number of conscripts who ended up in Ukrainian prisons is about 250.

The interlocutor also noted that a number of captured Russian soldiers were very frightened, but had already adapted.

What the captured Russian soldiers themselves say

Journalists of the publication also talked with captured Russian soldiers.

Russian soldiers spoke about the good conditions of captivity, the provision of medical care, meals 3 times a day, including soups, salads and cereals.

Also in the prison were representatives of the Red Cross, who visited the prisoners of war.

According to captured conscripts Mykola and Serhiy, on August 6, the Ukrainian military attacked their military headquarters, and the commanders fled without giving orders on what to do.

They walked through forests and swamps for three days and slept on the cold ground, and then went to the Ukrainian positions, where they were taken prisoner.

Ukrainian soldiers checked them for weapons and then gave them food, water and cigarettes.

They approached, talked, told their stories, listened to ours, - says captured Russian soldier Mykola.

At the same time, in one of the cells of the prison, where there were older soldiers, the mood was gloomier.

Among them were border guards and contract soldiers.

Almost all men said that the Ukrainian invasion was their first combat experience and that they had never been sent to Ukraine before.

As one of the prisoners told, out of 60 people with whom he fought together, only four or five survived. Others refused to surrender and were killed.

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