DIU publishes video of KRAKEN unit actions near Chasiv Yar
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DIU publishes video of KRAKEN unit actions near Chasiv Yar

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine
Chasiv Yar

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) showed how the DIU KRAKEN unit of active operations is defending Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region.

DIU KRAKEN unit defends Chasiv Yar

According to the DIU, KRAKEN has been protecting Chasiv Yar for a month, and it has become a symbol of the Ukrainian army's courage and resilience.

Fighters heroically hold the defense, daily destroy numerous enemies, burn enemy armored vehicles and take prisoners.

The Russian troops are trying to advance from different directions, but thanks to the coordinated work of the KRAKEN unit, there is currently no occupier in the city.

The usual work of modern Heroes, describe their work in KRAKEN.

In the video, you can see footage of the evacuation of prisoners, a view of Chasiv Yar from a drone, footage of battles in the city, the destruction of Russian equipment.

The Ludoid machine gunner spoke about the DIU secret special ops

In an exclusive interview with online.ua, Andrii "Lyudoid" Limontov, a DIU Shaman special unit serviceman, talked about the events from the front line and the secrets of scouts at the front.

The more daring the maneuver, the less the enemy expects it. There were such situations that prisoners were taken without a single shot being fired.

"Lyudoid" said that many people think, for example, that scouts are such people who come in, walk somewhere and leave.

There are such operations that scouts enter first. The probability of returning is not very high, because your strength is not there.

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