The DIU warned about the preparation of provocation rallies in Ukrainian cities. What is known
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The DIU warned about the preparation of provocation rallies in Ukrainian cities. What is known

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

On October 24, the Main Directorate of Intelligence informed Ukrainians about the possibility of provocations against the country's military and political leadership in regional centers.

Points of attention

  • DIU alerts Ukrainians about potential provocations targeting military and political leadership in regional centers.
  • Anonymous individuals offering money to incite provocative rallies to discredit Ukrainian authorities are a serious concern.
  • Participants urged to take photos and videos of actions to create a negative image and sow social discord.
  • Citizens of Ukraine advised against participating in activities that could compromise national security and stability.
  • Cyber attack on Russian state automated system 'Pravosodye' by GUR cyber-specialists led to prolonged system downtime, disrupting judicial services.

DIU warns about the preparation of provocation rallies in Ukrainian cities

The DIU of the Ministry of Defense informs that anonymous accounts in the Telegram messenger are looking for people who agree for money to go to "meetings" aimed at discrediting the military and political leadership of Ukraine, in particular, the special services.

Those who buy are asked to take photos and videos of provocative actions in order to create a "picture" with the aim of social polarization and creating tension within Ukraine.

They want to gather suitable paid matchmaking sites in Kyiv, Odesa, Dnipro and other regional centers.

Military intelligence warns citizens of Ukraine against participating in activities harmful to national security.

The judicial system of the Russia "went down" for a long time as a result of a cyberattack by the DIU

On October 7, cyber-specialists of the DIU, together with the activists of the "VO Team" group, hacked the Russian state automated system "Pravosodye". Online.UA learned about this from competent sources in military intelligence. As it turned out, the cyber attack was as effective as possible, because the enemy's judicial services are still not working.

Thus, the services of the Pravosudie system, which ceased to function due to an attack by cyber experts of the State Government, may not be operational until October 18.

This follows from a letter sent by the Judicial Department of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to all other courts.

A list of "broken services" has already been leaked to the network:

  • internet sites of federal arbitration courts on the domain;

  • telephony of arbitration courts (Microsoft Lync);

  • "Internet portal" DAS "Pravosodye" (websites of general courts)

  • jurisdiction, departments of the Judicial Department in subjects of the Russian Federation in the domain, websites of world judges in the domain;

  • "Electronic justice" module (EPr,, personal offices of court employees (;

  • PTK VIV, which provides interaction with the help of SMEV; the "EPr-SMEV" module, which provides interaction with the EPHU;

  • PI VKS (Schedule of VKS sessions);

  • PI Real Estate;

  • e-mail service of DAS "Pravosodye".

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