Russia deploys African Wagnerian corps in Vovchansk, British intelligence says
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Russia deploys African Wagnerian corps in Vovchansk, British intelligence says

UK Ministry of Defence

During the offensive on Vovchansk in the north of Kharkiv region, Russia deployed units of the African Wagnerian corps along with regular troops and Sturm-Z units.

Russia abandoned the former Wagner mercenaries for the offensive near Vovchansk

As noted, the African Corps of the Russian Ministry of Defence, created in December 2023, consists of more than 2,000 regular soldiers and officers, as well as experienced mercenaries, many of whom previously served in the "Wagner" group.

According to British intelligence, African Corps units are likely to have previously been deployed to Syria, Libya, Burkina Faso and Niger.

The Russian Ministry of Defence almost certainly moved units of the African Corps to the Ukrainian border in April 2024 in preparation for this offensive. It is likely that Russia is intensifying its war against Ukraine at the expense of resources that were previously directed to Africa, the British Ministry of Defence notes.

Ukrainian army stopped the Russian army in the Kharkiv direction and launched a counterattack

On May 24, the representative of the Main Operational Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Ihor Prokhorenko, officially announced that the Defence Forces of Ukraine stopped the Russian troops in the Kharkiv direction and are conducting counteroffensive actions.

The main actions take place in Kharkiv Oblast, Donetsk Oblast. As for the Kharkiv direction, the enemy is conducting offensive operations with the aim of creating a buffer zone. At the moment, the enemy has been stopped, the situation is under control, counter-offensive actions are being carried out, says Colonel Ihor Prokhorenko.

In addition, it is emphasised that the Russian invaders are also carrying out offensive actions in the east of the Kharkiv region, but they cannot achieve any success.

The General Staff draws attention to the fact that fierce fighting does not stop along the entire front line.

Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine inflict large-scale losses on the enemy, Ukrainian artillery, unmanned systems, and aviation are actively engaged.

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