The Russian Federation struck. The SBU detained an FSB agent in the Mykolaiv region
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The Russian Federation struck. The SBU detained an FSB agent in the Mykolaiv region

Security Service of Ukraine (SSU)
The Russian Federation struck. The SBU detained an FSB agent in the Mykolaiv region

Law enforcement officers detained another FSB accomplice in the Mykolaiv region. The woman directed the fire of enemy artillery systems on Ochakov and its sea water area.

Points of attention


  • The figurehead cooperated with traitor blogger Serhii Lebedev via Telegram.
  • Devices that she used for criminal acts on Ukrainian territory were seized from the perpetrator.
  • The suspect faces up to 12 years in prison for unauthorized intelligence activities.
  • SBU employees confirmed the involvement of the detainee in the transfer of confidential information about the Armed Forces.

What is known about the detained Russian FSB agent

According to the department, the person involved was part of the network of informants of the blogger-traitor Serhii Lebedev under the pseudonym "Lokhmatiy", who is hiding in Donetsk and works for the Russian special service.

She maintained communication with Lohmati through his Telegram bot, where she sent the geolocations of the units of the Armed Forces defending the port city.

To clarify intelligence, he personally contacted his henchman through a messenger.

After carrying out comprehensive measures to secure the positions of the Ukrainian troops, SBU officers detained the perpetrator in her own apartment, the agency said.

What punishment threatens a traitor

According to the investigation, the suspect was remotely involved in cooperation by Lebedev due to her activity in pro-Kremlin Telegram channels.

To carry out enemy missions, she went around the city and its surrounding areas, where she secretly fixed the locations of the Defense Forces.

Then she displayed the received information in the form of marks on electronic cards and sent them to "Lokhmatom".

The SBU noted that during the search, two mobile phones and a laptop were seized from the detainee, which she used in criminal activities.

So far, investigators of the Security Service have informed her of the suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (unauthorized dissemination of information about the transfer, transfer of weapons, armaments and military supplies to Ukraine, the movement, transfer or placement of the Armed Forces), the message says.

The perpetrator is in custody. She faces up to 12 years in prison.

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