The spokesman of NSU described the situation in the combat zone in the area of Chasovoy Yar
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The spokesman of NSU described the situation in the combat zone in the area of Chasovoy Yar

Military Armed Forces of Ukraine

According to the spokesman of the National Guard, Ruslan Muzychuk, the occupying army of the Russian Federation has been trying unsuccessfully for a long time to force the Kanal microdistrict in Chasovoy Yar in Donetsk region.

Points of attention

  • The spokesman of NSU reports on the resistance efforts against the Russian occupation army in Chasovoy Yar, Donetsk region.
  • Expert forecasts indicate the failure of the current Russian offensive due to significant losses and a shortage of military equipment.
  • The ongoing mobilization and defense improvements in Ukraine are preparing the country to withstand the enemy offensive.
  • The failure of the Russian troops' offensive in Chasovoy Yar highlights their struggle to achieve their goals in the region.
  • The shortage of military equipment and significant losses are causing the Russian offensive to face imminent failure, leading to pressure for a truce.

What is currently happening in Chasovoy Yar

For a long time, the enemy has been trying to force the Canal, this very section of the front, so to speak, in order to use it for further advancement. Because this water barrier is effective enough to hold the defense. And our Guardsmen, in particular the Defense Forces, which perform tasks in the area of Chasovoy Yar, are doing everything possible to restrain the advance and, in particular, not allow the enemy to accumulate their forces and advance in this particular area, - explains the spokesman of NSU.

He emphasized that the Russian occupiers are active not only in this area.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not allow the Russian army to advance in Chasovoy Yar
Military Armed Forces in Chasovoy Yar

According to him, units of the criminal army of the Russian Federation are also unsuccessfully trying to advance in the districts of Klishchiivka and Andriivka.

We can see that the intensification of the enemy's assault attempts in relation to Chasovoy Yar is also noticeable on the flanks of the city, - adds Muzychuk.

The analyst predicts the failure of the current offensive of the Russian army in Ukraine

According to Yevgeny Dyky, a veteran of the criminal war launched by Russia against Ukraine, ex-company commander of the "Aidar" battalion, on Channel 24, the current offensive of the Russian invaders in Ukraine has been going on for more than 10 months and will soon end in failure.

According to Dykyi's forecast, the criminal military leadership of the aggressor country will be able to mobilize Russians for war against Ukraine for at least another six months.

Roughly speaking, within a year, they will still, at least, plug the holes. This is no longer about the formation of some new shock compounds. We recently saw this story. They tried to form a new unit for an offensive in the Kharkiv region. As we can see, nothing good came of it. As a result, the offensive turned out to be a failure. Now their overriding task is to plug holes, that is, to compensate for losses and continue to advance, as now, where it is possible, - explains the expert.

He notes that the occupation army of the Russian Federation is paying terrible losses for its own offensive.

Under such a situation, as Dyky emphasizes, the offensive of the Russian occupiers is bound to fail.

First, such losses as now cannot be sustained for very long. Even for Russians. They have been suffering such losses for ten months. Another month, two, three, but by no means six months or a year. The second is the loss of armored vehicles and artillery. This is an even more critical moment, the analyst is convinced.

At the same time, he emphasized that the real problem currently facing the occupying army is precisely the shortage of military equipment.

This is one of the key factors why their offensive will surely stop soon enough. And this is precisely the key factor due to which they are trying to pressure us into a truce, - emphasizes Dykiy.

At the same time, he noted that mobilization is gradually "rocking" in Ukraine, but so far it is many times smaller.

The situation is changing, that is, the ice has broken. And if we continue now to add this process, which actually already started in June-July, then after some time we will finally equalize this advantage of theirs in manpower, and then the question will be not when their offensive will be choked, but when we will move into own, - predicts the analyst.

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