The war may end by the end of the year — Zelenskyi named the conditions
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The war may end by the end of the year — Zelenskyi named the conditions

Volodymyr Zelenskyi
Source:  BBC

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, the hot phase of the criminal war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine may end by the end of this year without the scenario of the return of Ukrainian territories occupied by the aggressor country.

Points of attention

  • President Zelenskyi plans to end the war with Russia by the end of the year without resorting to forceful means of reclaiming occupied territories.
  • Zelenskyi emphasizes the importance of a strategic negotiation plan that involves unity with international partners to pressure Russia into discussing the end of the war.
  • The President characterizes Putin as a 'pragmatic killer', underscoring his ruthlessness and the need to avoid unnecessary sacrifices in political conflicts.
  • Ukraine aims to return the territories captured by Russia through negotiations, preferring strategic steps over direct military confrontation.
  • Zelenskyi envisions the possibility of negotiations with Putin at a Peace Summit, aiming to resolve the conflict according to the UN Charter and international resolutions.

What is known about the probability of the end of the war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine already this year

Zelensky noted that the leadership of Ukraine is preparing a corresponding plan that will be offered to Russia.

If we are united and follow, for example, the format of the Peace Summit, we can end the hot stage of the war. We can try to do it before the end of this year. The plan will be ready in any case. But the plan must be combined with partners. So that no one plays with their initiatives to end the war. And it will then depend on the partners who will put pressure on Russia so that Russia agrees to sit down and think about the end of the war, - emphasized the president.

According to him, the end of the criminal war unleashed by Russia is not aimed at returning the occupied Ukrainian territories by force.

The head of state emphasized that Ukraine expects to return the territories captured by Russia through negotiations.

It is preferable not to retreat, it is preferable to stand. And it is even more desirable to take some steps that will weaken Russia. She will start to retreat. It will simply give you a stronger position at the negotiating table. But this does not mean that all territories should be returned exclusively with weapons, - added Zelensky.

At the same time, Zelensky did not rule out the possibility of negotiations directly with Vladimir Putin.

At the second Peace Summit, if a complete plan is ready and if Russia is ready to discuss this plan and agree on the end of the war in accordance with the UN Charter and the resolution of all the crises they have brought, then we will be ready to speak together with our partners with representatives of Russia. And whether it will be Putin or it will not be Putin - what is the difference. Well, we will talk with those who decide everything in Russia, - explains the president.

What Zelensky thinks about Putin

The president called Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin a "pragmatic killer."

We are talking about killers. They are different. There are mass murderers, there are those who are emotional. And there are very pragmatic ones. I'd say he's a pragmatic killer. That is, he gives orders. He doesn't do anything on his own, but that doesn't absolve him of responsibility, Zelenskyy notes.

According to him, the Kremlin dictator loves power too much.

The world has already passed such tests, passed through tyranny, authoritarianism. The world has already seen the consequences of what it is. These are world wars, millions of victims. And you can already learn. Even if you want to hold on to your power like that, you have to learn to do it without sacrifice. And that's why I don't think he's very smart. He is ruthless. Not very smart and ruthless is even more dangerous, - the head of state expressed conviction.

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