White House criticises Putin's "proposals" before Ukrainian Peace Summit
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White House criticises Putin's "proposals" before Ukrainian Peace Summit

Office of the President of Ukraine
The White House

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's so-called "peace" proposals reject morality and common sense. The Peace Summit of Ukraine is the core of the peacemaking process.

Points of attention

  • The White House National Security Adviser denounced Putin's 'peace' proposals as irresponsible and in violation of international law.
  • Putin's terms for ending the war in Ukraine, including demands like Ukrainian troop withdrawal and rejection of NATO membership, were deemed unacceptable.
  • The rejection of Putin's conditions was justified based on the violation of international standards and the threat to Ukraine's security and sovereignty.
  • The Peace Summit highlighted the importance of upholding the principles of the UN Charter and international law for achieving lasting peace.
  • Putin's alleged conditions for peace, such as neutral status for Ukraine and lifting of sanctions, were met with skepticism and deemed as potential threats to regional stability.

Putin rejected morality and common sense — Sullivan

This was announced by White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan at the Peace Summit.

We recently heard Putin's vision for peace. He said that Ukraine must not only relinquish territories currently occupied by Russia, but Ukraine must also relinquish additional sovereign territories before Russia agrees to negotiate. Ukraine must disarm so that Russia can then conduct its aggression again. It is irresponsible, it rejects the UN Charter, basic morality and common sense.

Jake Sullivan

Jake Sullivan

White House National Security Adviser

Sullivan emphasized that the peace summit is a correct view of peace and the way to it

This summit defined the core of what peace should look like. And these are the principles of the UN Charter, these are the principles of international law, the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and the impossibility of conquest of one state by another.

The Russian dictator put forward the alleged "conditions for ending the war in Ukraine"

On the eve of the Peace Summit, Putin stated that Ukrainian troops "must be completely withdrawn from the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions within the administrative borders.

In addition, according to the illegitimate president of Russia, "Ukraine should inform about its refusal to join NATO." He said, "if these conditions are met, Russia will immediately cease fire."

I draw your attention, precisely from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative borders, which existed at the time of their entry into Ukraine. As soon as Kyiv declares that it is ready for such a decision and begins the real withdrawal of troops from these regions, as well as officially announces the rejection of plans to join NATO, an order to cease fire and start negotiations will come from our side immediately, literally at that very moment. I repeat, we will do it immediately, — said Putin.

According to him, the essence of the Russian proposal is allegedly "not in a temporary truce." It is not about freezing the conflict, but about its "final end", added the head of the Russian Federation.

Putin also called the neutral and non-nuclear status of Ukraine, as well as the lifting of sanctions against Russia, additional conditions for a peaceful settlement.

He added that now Moscow, they say, is making "one more concrete, real peace proposal", and if Kyiv and the Western capitals reject it, "then it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed."

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