The AFU is among the 20 strongest armies in the world
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The AFU is among the 20 strongest armies in the world

Military Armed Forces of Ukraine
Source:  Global Firepower

According to the rating compiled by analysts of the Global Firepower portal, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are among the twenty strongest armies in the world.

Points of attention

  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine have secured the 18th position in the Global Firepower ranking of the world's strongest armies.
  • Ukraine surpasses countries like Poland, Taiwan, North Korea, and Romania in terms of military strength, showcasing a large number of soldiers, reservists, and well-equipped troops.
  • Analysts emphasize the efficiency of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, highlighting their significant manpower and advanced military equipment in ground, aviation, and air defense sectors.
  • The ranking criteria include aspects like the size of armed forces, army funding, and geographical attributes, with the absence of a Navy and vulnerability due to limited border length and lack of oil reserves noted as potential drawbacks.
  • Other countries in the top 20 list of strongest armies include the US, Russia, China, India, South Korea, among others, attributing their high positions to factors like military spending, large military force, advanced equipment, and strategic resources.

What is known about the place of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world

It is noted that in the new rating, its authors took into account more than 60 different parameters, including the size of the armed forces, the level of funding of the army, and the geographical location of the countries.

In the updated rating, the Armed Forces of Ukraine occupy the 18th position, while last year they were 15th.

Australia is on the 16th city, followed by Israel, and after Ukraine — Germany and Spain.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are among the 20 strongest armies in the world
Military Armed Forces

Ukraine is also ahead of Poland, Taiwan, North Korea, and Romania in terms of the strength of the Armed Forces.

Analysts note that the strengths of the Armed Forces are the large number of soldiers and reservists. The high level of equipment with ground military equipment, aviation and air defense is emphasized.

Analysts call the absence of the Navy and the limited length of the borders, as well as the lack of own oil reserves, a vulnerable point.

What is known about the 20 countries with the strongest armies in the world

The 20 countries with the strongest armies include:

  1. USA

  2. Russia

  3. China

  4. India

  5. South Korea

  6. Great Britain

  7. Japan

  8. Turkey

  9. Pakistan

  10. Italy

  11. France

  12. Brazil

  13. Indonesia

  14. Iran

  15. Egypt

  16. Australia

  17. Israel

  18. Ukraine

  19. Germany

  20. Spain

High places for the leaders of this rating are provided primarily by large military expenditures, a large number of active military and reservists in reserve, a large number of military equipment, a powerful fleet, rich reserves of natural resources, and in some cases even the presence of nuclear weapons.

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