This is a signal from Putin. The political scientist explained the participation of the Russia in the exchange of prisoners
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This is a signal from Putin. The political scientist explained the participation of the Russia in the exchange of prisoners


The return home of the Russian killer Vadim Krasikov and other Russian spies as part of the exchange between Western countries, the USA and the Russian Federation is a signal from dictator Vladimir Putin to the Russian spy network abroad. This opinion was voiced by political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko.

Points of attention

  • Putin's motive is to support his special services and agents abroad.
  • The Russian Federation and the West are once again returning to a state of "cold war".
  • The return of the professional killer Krasikov underscores Putin's readiness to intensify agent warfare and espionage operations.

What really were Putin's motives

According to the expert, the aggressor country is already conducting a large-scale hybrid secret war against the West.

The signal is as follows: do not be afraid, if you are detained, we will return you, — explained Fesenko.

He also noted that relations between the West and Russia are returning to the Cold War.

Despite the fact that headlines appeared in the media about the warming between Moscow and Washington, nothing of the sort is actually happening.

All Putin wanted was to return his professional killer, Russian special services officer Vadym Krasikov, who was sentenced in Germany to life imprisonment.

Since the Germans did not want to give up Krasikov, Putin found a way to put pressure on the Germans. They arrested a German citizen in Belarus and sentenced him to death, and this was the last straw that influenced the decision of the German government, the ruling coalition, and the exchange took place, Volodymyr Fesenko said.

Putin will intensify the proxy war against the West

The political scientist pays attention to who Moscow returned during the big exchange.

As you already know, we are talking about a professional killer, spies and people who are connected to special services.

Fesenko emphasizes that this is exactly the logic of the Cold War.

This is a signal to the Russian agents abroad, and Russia has now launched a large-scale hybrid secret war against the West, the signal is: do not be afraid, if you are detained, we will return you. The mandatory return of Krasikov, they say, was Putin's condition, the political scientist emphasizes.

What is important to understand is that Putin even personally came to meet Krasikov at the airport, while he does not meet military prisoners who are being returned to the Russian Federation.

Putin likes to play these spy games, including assassinations abroad, the expert explained.

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