This is violence and you will regret it. Starmer harshly threatened the protesters
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This is violence and you will regret it. Starmer harshly threatened the protesters

Keir Starmer
Source:  Sky News

On the evening of August 4, British leader Keir Starmer issued a public warning amid a wave of protests in the country. He demands the protesters to stop and also promised severe punishment for organized riots.

Points of attention

  • British Prime Minister Kier Starmer threatens rioters with punishment with all the severity of the law.
  • Protests in Britain began due to fake news against the background of the murder of three girls.
  • The prime minister considers the protestors' actions to be "ultra-right banditry" and promises to bring them to justice.

Starmer is furious about the protests in Britain

As Keir Starmer promised, the rioters will be punished "with all the severity of the law."

This is violence, not protest… I guarantee you will regret participating in this mess, either directly or by inciting it online.

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer

Prime Minister of Great Britain

According to Starmer, he is outraged by the events in Rotherham, where rioters attacked a hotel where migrants were staying.

He drew attention to the fact that there is no justification for such actions.

The British leader also emphasized that he is not ashamed to call the events what they are - "ultra-right banditry".

I understand how terrifying this can be for people who feel threatened because of their skin color or faith... Know that this violent mob is not the face of the country and we will bring them to justice, Keir Starmer promised.

What is important to know about the riots in Britain

On the afternoon of August 4, protests and riots broke out again in some British cities against the background of the death of three girls as a result of an attack by a minor during a dance master class.

It all started after fake information spread online that the suspect in the attack was a radical Muslim migrant.

Police said the suspect, 17-year-old Axel Rudakubana, was born in Britain, but that did not stop the unrest.

Protests by anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim demonstrators flared up in many cities across the country.

Sometimes they even spill over into violence, arson and looting.

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