Three of my best friends were killed in Olenivka — Senior Sergeant "Buffalo" from "Azov"
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Three of my best friends were killed in Olenivka — Senior Sergeant "Buffalo" from "Azov"


In an interview with Online.UA, the senior sergeant of the 12th Special Forces Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine "Azov" with the call sign "Buffalo" told about the three closest friends who were killed by the Russian invaders during the terrorist attack in Olenivka.

Points of attention

  • "Buffalo" emphasized that it will never forgive the aggressor country of the Russian Federation for the murder of its closest friends.
  • Against the background of war, the greatest fears of soldiers often become reality.
  • The senior sergeant emphasizes the importance of solidarity and justice in times of war, but realizes that not all people are ready to make sacrifices for their homeland.

Russia killed the closest friends of "Buffalo"

According to Azovets, his friend, who survived being hit by an armored personnel carrier, then burned in it, survived "Azovstal", battles in Mariupol, served with "Buffalo" — did not return from Olenivka.

The Russian occupiers burned him alive during the mass murder of prisoners, which took place on the night of July 29, 2022, on the territory of the former Volnova correctional colony No. 120.

Three best friends — all three were burned in Olenivka. Have you seen the photo of "Mahacha" where he is standing next to Sashka Babenko? Sashko Babenko was one of my best friends. He burned in Olenivka. Kolya "Adam", Mykola Baranovskyi. He also burned in Olenivka. And the third guy too...



Senior Sergeant of the “Azov” NGU brigade

"Mahach", Babenko and "Buffalo"

According to the defender, in "Azov" most often they simply "cut off" the names and surnames of their comrades.

Mykola "Adam" Baranovskyi

That is why "Buffalo" learned the last name of his friend Oleksandr only after he appeared in the lists of those killed as a result of the Russian terrorist attack in Olenivka.

We greeted each other by callsigns. And so we found this strong friendship. Very strong. And we were not even interested in our names. The main thing is that the person is nearby. And here is the "Tower". Three people. And all three burned in Olenivka. How can I relate to Russia now?

Serhii "Tower" Petrenko

The greatest fears are embodied in war

Azovets notes that one of his friends was very afraid of dying during the first battle. According to the senior sergeant, the brother's fear led to the fact that it happened that way.

The fear of "Buffalo" also materialized — the warrior was left without a leg.

But he died as a worthy warrior, as a man with a weapon in his hands. Our fears always attract what we fear. I have a certain number of people with whom I constantly communicate, constantly at work and so on. I had people with whom I was preparing to do something, to move on, to develop. Now I have 2-3 of these people left. Of my battalion of 74 people, 12-13 remained alive, some of whom are still prisoners. Who should I move on with?



Senior Sergeant of the “Azov” NGU brigade

The senior sergeant also notes that only a few people are left from his platoon: one is currently on duty, and the other went abroad after being wounded — he has a family and children there.

Another "Buffalo" brother was left without a leg, and another with a fragment in his head.

And I — the fifth — also without a leg. Here, five people. I remembered everyone, counted... Yes, five people. I find it unfair. But I don't go and shout in the street that everyone should go fight. I have a tolerant attitude towards it. I just understand that life is unfair.

Despite this, "Buffalo" himself notes that he tries to remain fair even in the most difficult life situations.

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