Russia always harms other countries — AFU sniper from Turkmenistan
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Russia always harms other countries — AFU sniper from Turkmenistan

Abu Yunus

In an interview with Online.UA, Abu Yunus, a volunteer of the Chechen Battalion named after Sheikh Mansur, who fights on the side of Ukraine, talked about his attitude towards the Russian Federation and gave his "recipe" for relations with the aggressor country.

Points of attention

  • According to the AFU sniper, Russia always harms other countries and is not an adequate state.
  • An interview with volunteer Abu Yunus reveals the realities of Russian propaganda.
  • The participation of citizens of Turkmenistan in the Russian army in the war against Ukraine raises questions about the moral principles and motivation of the military.
  • The sniper's interview reveals Russian citizens' motivations for serving in the army and their real expectations for obtaining citizenship.
  • Abu Yunus expressed his opinion about Russians' perception of other nationalities and the reality of the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Russia will permanently harm other countries

Russia after the war? It has never been and never will be adequate. As long as this country exists, it will cause so much harm.

They "bless" all these crimes, and it is done by priests, who, by the way, are all pro-Kremlin FSB agents. They can say whatever they want. They have no faith, no honour, no dignity.

Abu Yunus

Abu Yunus

Sniper of the volunteer battalion named after Sheikh Mansur

Abu Yunus noted that Russia attacked the fraternal Slavic people, allegedly defending the Fatherland. But Russian propagandists shouted the same thing in Syria.

They went "for the fatherland" everywhere, even in Syria. I wonder if they even have a homeland or not? Where is their homeland anyway? The priest goes there, blesses. What is this? Where can it be possible? [When] Priest says, "go on and kill" (they say to the Russians — ed.)! What is this?

Citizens of Turkmenistan are fighting in the Russian army against Ukraine

Abu Yunus revealed the motivation of his fellow citizens who serve in the Russian military.

Quite a lot of fighting. First of all, Russian citizenship (is the motivation — ed.). If there was faith, they would not have gone to kill someone without having the right to do so. Religion forbids. If there is no faith, then what? Interest, only in money and citizenship. Nothing more.

I was in Russia in 1999. At that time, I was a "churka" [an insult used by Russians for people from the Caucasus and Central Asia — Ed.] for them, and I am the same now. Turkmen will fight, hoping to get citizenship and stay in the Russian Federation. They [Russians — ed.] will still say tomorrow that you are a "churka".

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