Two killed, three injured after Russian today's artillery shelling on Nikopol
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Two killed, three injured after Russian today's artillery shelling on Nikopol

Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk OVA

On May 29, Russian troops shelled the city of Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region, with heavy artillery.

The Russian army killed two civilians in Nikopol

The head of the Dnipropetrovsk RMA , Serhii Lysak, reported that two people were killed as a result of shelling in Nikopol.

A 52-year-old man who came under artillery fire in the morning died in the hospital. The doctors fought for him, but the injuries turned out to be incompatible with life.

After lunch, Russian troops killed another person: they directed a kamikaze drone at an ambulance.

The 54-year-old driver died. His 53-year-old wife was injured and hospitalised in a severe condition. In addition, two men aged 64 and 52 were injured by the Russians. Both have shrapnel wounds.

Lysak said that the Russians struck the city with heavy artillery, a library, a shop and a power line were damaged.

What is known about the latest Russian shelling of the Dnipro

Russian troops continue to terrorize the Nikopol district of the Dnipropetrovsk region and injure people.

So, on May 25, the occupiers attacked Nikopol with kamikaze drones. Two men, aged 30 and 42, were injured as a result of the strikes of the strike drones. The injured will be treated at home. Damaged cars.

Russian troops also shelled the Dnipro on May 15. The enemy attacked the infrastructure, there are dead and wounded. The head of Dnipropetrovsk RMA, Serhii Lysak, reported that the Russian attack damaged the infrastructure.

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