Ukraine begins using HIMARS to strike deep into Russia — Forbes
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Ukraine begins using HIMARS to strike deep into Russia — Forbes

Source:  Forbes

The Ukrainian military began attacking the targets of the occupation army of the Russian Federation on the territory of the aggressor country with HIMARS surface-to-air missiles immediately after receiving permission from the United States.

What is known about HIMARS use for strikes on Russia's territory

Journalists of the publication note that Ukraine receives high-precision munitions, aviation glide bombs, Harpoon cruise missiles, M30/31 missiles for MLRS and operational-tactical missile systems from the USA.

The latest wave of attacks by the criminal army of the Russian Federation on Kharkiv forced US President Joe Biden to change his position on allowing Ukraine to use American weapons for strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In particular, after receiving permission from the US, the Ukrainian military aimed the HIMARS surface-to-air missile at the Russian Belgorod region.

This is a welcome step that will now allow us to better protect Ukraine and Ukrainians from Russian terror and attempts to start a war, the US president said on the eve of the first similar attack.

How did US permission to Ukraine to strike with American weapons on Russia affect the situation in the Kharkiv region

Russian media recorded the sounds of an air raid and the firing of anti-aircraft batteries as Ukrainian missiles attacked Belgorod.

State media claimed 14 missiles had been shot down, and there was some debris on the ground.

It is currently unclear how much damage the attack caused and, more importantly, how much damage was done to military targets.

However, the purpose of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is obvious. Belgorod and nearby cities are the base of operations of the northern group of Russian army troops, which has been attacking Ukrainian border towns since May 10.

During three weeks of fierce fighting, this group of the Russian Federation captured a chain of border villages at a high cost and turned the city of Vovchansk into a battlefield.

The quick actions of Ukrainian reinforcement units—the 36th Marine Brigade, the 71st Jaeger Brigade, and the elite 82nd Airborne Assault Brigade—halted the enemy's advance.

Against the background of the unfolding of the battles, the importance of Belgorod only grew. There are so many injured Russians in district hospitals that the local healthcare system "is in a state of collapse.

In addition, there are signs that the invaders are regrouping for another attack. The movement of troops in Graivoron, Borysovka, and Proletarskoe, a few kilometres west of Belgorod, "perhaps indicates the formation of a strike group in the Belgorod region."

By striking Belgorod and the surrounding region, the Ukrainians wiped out the northern group of forces without having to fight the Russians street by street in Vovchansk.

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