Ukraine, Portugal sign security agreement: details
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Ukraine, Portugal sign security agreement: details

Office of the President of Ukraine
Zelenskyy and Montenegro

On May 28, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister of Portugal Luís Montenegro signed a bilateral Agreement on cooperation in the security field in Lisbon.

Ukraine and Portugal agreed on a bilateral security agreement

The agreement establishes Portugal's commitment to support Ukraine in restoring its territorial integrity within the 1991 borders, including the territorial sea.

The website of the head of state reported about it.

Portugal will provide Ukraine with at least 126 million euros in military support this year.

It also confirms participation in the F-16 coalition, an international coalition of maritime security capabilities, and the large-calibre munitions procurement program, demining efforts and strengthening maritime security.

Separate blocks of the agreement are devoted to bilateral cooperation in the defense industry, intelligence, the fight against organized crime and propaganda, as well as countering chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear risks.

Ukraine and Portugal will coordinate and strengthen joint efforts to support our country on its path to future NATO membership.

The block on political cooperation talks about supporting the Ukrainian peace formula, bringing the aggressor to justice, strengthening sanctions against the Russian Federation, and joint work on creating a mechanism for providing compensation for damages, losses or damage caused by Russian aggression.

Portugal also undertakes to continue participating in the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children and contributing to the achievement of its goals outlined in its Framework Document.

Portugal became the 12th country with which Ukraine concluded a bilateral security agreement to implement the provisions of the G7 Joint Declaration adopted in Vilnius on July 12 last year. Before that, Ukraine signed bilateral agreements with Great Britain, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, Latvia, Spain and Belgium.

Ukraine and Portugal are working on a security agreement

On April 24, Ukraine and Portugal began negotiations on the future signing of a security agreement.

Ukraine has started negotiations with Portugal on a draft bilateral security agreement. The parties also agreed on a schedule for further negotiations.

Ihor Zhovkva, the deputy head of the Office of the President, conducted today's round of negotiations.

During the negotiations, in addition to the topic of security guarantees, attention was paid to the inaugural World Summit in Switzerland, the important role of Portugal in implementing the Ukrainian "peace formula," and the involvement of the countries of the Global South in this process.

The President's Office reminded that Ukraine has already concluded nine bilateral security agreements with Great Britain, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland and Latvia.

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