Ukraine regained some positions in the Kharkiv region, AFU officer says
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Ukraine regained some positions in the Kharkiv region, AFU officer says

AFU military

The Armed Forces of Ukraine effectively repel the Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region and even managed to return some captured positions and take prisoners.

The Armed Forces managed to weaken the shock assault potential of the Russian army

Yuriy Fedorenko, the commander of the "Achilles" UAV attack battalion of the 92nd Separate Assault Brigade, told about this on the national newscast.

And in these minutes, battles are going on. Speaking over the past few days, the Defense Forces managed to significantly defeat the enemy's shock assault potential, in terms of destruction and damage to the enemy's light armored vehicles, artillery and assault groups, Fedorenko said.

Fedorenko noted that the Russians failed to realise the tactical goals they had set for themselves. He added that Ukrainian soldiers managed to defend themselves and take action to improve the situation.

As a result of the execution of these operations, we have not only returned positions, but also the enemy, who was taken prisoner. The enemy will need to replenish losses, and the enemy is doing this, regrouping, attracting additional reserves. Every occupier that is destroyed on our land is a minus to the enemy's shock assault capabilities, Fedorenko said.

What is the situation near Vovchansk?

Yuriy Fedorenko also spoke in more detail about what is happening near Vovchansk.

If we talk about the direction of the settlement of Vovchansk, then it is fundamentally important for the enemy to "get involved" precisely in residential buildings, because it is easier for the enemy to conduct combat operations in urban buildings in the presence of a large number of manpower, — said officer.

The defence forces are hitting the enemy on the approach to Vovchansk and are doing it quite effectively. One way or another, the situation was almost completely stabilized.

The Russian volunteer corps, fighting on the side of Ukraine, continues to eliminate Russian soldiers in the Kharkiv region during a new offensive by the occupiers.

According to the Russian volunteer forces, they are currently carrying out combat missions in the hottest spots of the so-called Kharkiv offensive, which the Russian army launched on May 10.

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