Ukraine, Slovenia sign security agreement
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Ukraine, Slovenia sign security agreement

Office of the President of Ukraine
Ukraine, Slovenia sign security agreement

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister of Slovenia Robert Golob signed a bilateral security agreement in Woodstock. The agreement will be valid for ten years.

Points of attention

  • The signed security agreement between Ukraine and Slovenia supports Ukraine for 10 years in various areas, including military assistance and cooperation to find financing for the Ukrainian defence industry.
  • The agreement also provides for deepening cooperation in information and cyber security and the fight against organised crime and humanitarian demining.
  • Ukraine's security guarantees within the framework of the agreement include Slovenia's support for Ukraine's future membership in the EU and NATO and financial and humanitarian aid.
  • Ukraine has already concluded security agreements with 25 countries, which indicates a wide range of support and cooperation, including military, economic and humanitarian spheres.

What does the security agreement between Ukraine and Slovenia provide

The signing occurred on the sidelines of Britain's European Political Community summit.

The agreement stipulates that Slovenia, which has already provided Ukraine with 13 packages of military aid, will continue to maintain the current level of support for Ukraine during the 10-year term of the agreement, will contribute to the training of the Ukrainian military within the framework of the EU EUMAM Mission, and will also cooperate to find sources of funding for Ukrainian projects defense industry.

In addition, the agreement talks about deepening cooperation in information and cyber security, the fight against organized crime, intelligence and counter-intelligence, and humanitarian demining. Slovenia also promises an additional 5 million euros for humanitarian aid, economic recovery and the "Grain from Ukraine" humanitarian program.

The document clearly enshrines Slovenia's comprehensive support for Ukraine's future membership in the EU and NATO, the President's Office said in a communiqué.

Ukraine also promises to implement the necessary reforms. Among the key areas are justice and the rule of law, law enforcement, the fight against corruption, the prevention of illegal trade, decentralization, public administration, the business environment, and the security and defence sector.

Slovenia became the 25th country with which Ukraine signed a bilateral security agreement. A security agreement was signed with the Czech Republic on the same day.

Security guarantees of Ukraine

Ukraine has already signed an agreement on bilateral security agreements with 25 countries. The agreement provides for a wide range of measures to support Kyiv. In particular, in the military, economic and humanitarian spheres. There are also separate points, however, everything depends on the capabilities of the partner.

On June 27, Ukraine signed agreements with the EU, Lithuania and Estonia. On July 11, an agreement was concluded with Luxembourg.

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