Ukraine's border guards destroyed Russian 'Murom' system in Kharkiv region — video
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Ukraine's border guards destroyed Russian 'Murom' system in Kharkiv region — video

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Fighters of the "Stalevyy Kordon" ['Steel Border' — Ed.] brigade hit the Russian long-range visual surveillance system "Murom" in the Kharkiv direction with a kamikaze drone.

Points of attention

  • Border guards of the 'Stalevyy Kordon' and ‘Pomsta’[Revenge in English — Ed.] brigades operate in Kharkiv and Luhansk regions, inflicting severe losses on enemy forces.
  • The destruction of the Russian complex "Murom" and the composition of ammunition testifies to the high efficiency of combat operations in the conflict zone.
  • Ukrainian border guards use various methods, including kamikaze drones, to destroy enemy objects.
  • The combat video and recorded footage demonstrate the indomitability and readiness of the border guards to protect the state border and territorial integrity.
  • The actions of Ukrainian soldiers in Serebryansk Forest emphasise the constant readiness and victorious spirit in the fight against the invaders.

Border guards struck the "eyes" of the Russian occupiers in the Kharkiv region

In the Kharkiv direction, fighters of the "Stalevyy Kordon" brigade hit another enemy long-range visual surveillance complex "Murom" with a kamikaze drone.

It is reported that the Russians monitored the movement of units of the Ukrainian Defense Forces with the help of such a camera.

Border guards inflicted losses on the Russian army in the Serebryansk forest in the Luhansk region

Border guards destroyed a Russian ammunition warehouse and two shelters in the Serebriansk Forest. The defenders showed a spectacular video of combat work.

The footage published on the Internet shows the work of soldiers of the Luhansk border detachment of the "Pomsta" brigade. The soldiers attacked the occupiers' shelters and warehouses.

The enemy ammunition depot and two shelters of the occupiers were destroyed by the border guards of "Pomsta" in Serebryansk Forest.

Serebryansk Forestry is a zone in the Luhansk region where active hostilities have existed for a long time.

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