Ukraine's diplomat exposes Russian lies on Okhmatdyt hospital missile strike
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Ukraine's diplomat exposes Russian lies on Okhmatdyt hospital missile strike


The version of the attack on the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv on July 8, announced on July 17 by the Russian MFA chief, the odious Sergei Lavrov, does not coincide with the version of the representative of Russia at the UN Vasily Nebenzya.

Points of attention

  • Refutation of propagandistic lies about the Russian strike on Okhmatdyt by reasoned evidence by Ukrainian diplomat Kyslytsia.
  • It shows clear photo evidence that the Kh-101 missile was deliberately sent to Okhmatdyt by Russia.
  • A reminder of the importance of uncovering the truth and accountability for committed crimes before the international community.

Russia lied about the missile strike on Okhmatdyt

Serhii Kislytsia, Ukraine's ambassador to the UN, said cynical Russian lies on the X social network.

Back in February 2022, at meetings of the Security Council, I advised Nebienza to call his boss in Moscow more often and check his lies with him in New York.

Serhiy Kyslytsia

Serhiy Kyslytsia

Ambassador of Ukraine to the UN

The Ukrainian diplomat recalled that on July 9 at the UN Security Council meeting, Nebenzya stated.

On videos posted by Ukrainian Internet users... it can be seen that a lone air defence missile of Ukraine arrives in the area of the children's hospital without any damage or obstacles. It cannot be confused with anything due to its characteristic plumage, which is clearly distinguishable, and other characteristics.

Then Kyslytsya quoted Lavrov's statement, which was distributed by Russian propaganda resources on the Internet. "Recently, when we struck the military and energy infrastructure connected to the military bloc, one of these missiles was shot down by the Ukrainian anti-aircraft system... and fragments of this rocket fell on the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital in Kyiv, Lavrov said.

So what about the "characteristic plumage" of a solitary missile? Maybe Orwell also wrote about this, Vasily? — Kyslytsia sneered .

Kislytsia refuted Russia's propaganda lies about the attack on "Okhmatdyt"

In front of Kyslytsia at the meeting of the Security Council, a representative of Russia spoke, who told outright lies to hide yet another crime of his country and shift responsibility. He tried to convince that "Ukraine is accountable" for what happened.

Serhiy Kyslytsia noted that the permanent representative of the aggressor country at the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, is already soaked in blood. On July 8, Russia deliberately attacked the most vulnerable category of people in any society — children with cancer.

Kyslytsia noted that "Okhmatdyt" in Kyiv is the largest medical institution in the country that treats children with cancer. Children from all over the world are treated there. Also, the medical institution itself is unique in the medical care system.

The Ukrainian diplomat presented clear and well-argued evidence that Russia targeted the "Okhmatdyt" with a Kh-101 missile. In particular, he showed a slide showing the rocket's trajectory.

He also showed photos of the missile's remains found after the impact. The analysis of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) and police investigators shows that the individual objects are components of the Kh-101 air-to-surface missile. A part of the serial code also indicates that this is a Russian missile.

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