Ukraine's Ground Forces debunks fake about alleged escape of ex-imprisoned from AFU
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Ukraine's Ground Forces debunks fake about alleged escape of ex-imprisoned from AFU

Ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Ukraine's Ground Forces debunks fake about alleged escape of ex-imprisoned from AFU

On June 25, it became officially known that the information about the escape of ex-imprisoners who joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and are undergoing training in one of the training centres is not true.

Points of attention

  • Ukrainian soldiers emphasise that all former prisoners are patriotic and voluntarily join the ranks of the Armed Forces.
  • Spreading false information about the escape of ex-convicts harms the mobilisation campaign and helps the enemy.
  • The military command requires the media to promptly refute the fake about the escape of ex-convicts from the Armed Forces.

AFU warned Ukrainians about the spread of a new fake

All former prisoners are now undergoing active training and are preparing to perform combat missions in their units, says the official statement of the Land Forces.

They noted that some Ukrainian media spread unverified and unreliable information that works against the enemy and discredits the mobilisation campaign.

In addition, it is emphasised that ex-convicts are motivated and patriotic and join the ranks of the Armed Forces of their own free will.

Ukrainians will soon have the opportunity to see the results of their work directly at the front.

We demand from the media, which spread this fake, to refute it as quickly as possible on their platforms, concluded the Ground Forces Command.

Where did the rumours about the escape of ex-convicts from the Armed Forces come from?

The "Telegraph" publication was the first to spread this information on June 25, citing its anonymous sources.

Journalists began to claim that imprisoned citizens who agreed to join the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine had escaped from the "Desna" educational centre.

In addition, it was noted that they are in military uniform and armed.

What is essential to understand is that it was about 169 Training Centers named after Prince Yaroslav the Wise, located in the village of Desna, Chernihiv Region

"Six prisoners escaped while wearing military uniforms and carrying weapons," the publication previously wrote.

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