Ukraine's MoD tested equipment for evacuating injured soldiers from battlefield — photo
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Ukraine's MoD tested equipment for evacuating injured soldiers from battlefield — photo

Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Nine products from seven Ukrainian manufacturers took part in the testing, including automotive equipment and ground robotic platforms.

What is known about equipment for evacuating the wounded from the battlefield

The Ministry of Defense explained that the event's purpose was to draw attention to medical evacuation in the war zone and encourage partner countries to enter into direct contracts with Ukrainian manufacturers within the framework of the ZBROYARI: Manufacturing Freedom project.

Currently, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Strategy and Industry are focused on the development of systems that can replace humans at the front. Funds from partner countries for the purchase of robotic systems are being raised through the ZBROYARI: Manufacturing Freedom project, the goal of which is to raise $10 billion for the production of Ukrainian weapons in 2024, the Ministry of Defence added.

At the end of February, Ukraine's Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, informed that participants of the Brave1 cluster had developed a remote-controlled FoxTac transporter to evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield.

What is known about the Brave1 cluster

On April 26, 2023, Defense Tech cluster Brave1 was launched in Ukraine. It has become a single platform for the cooperation of military technology developers with companies, the state and the army. The platform will increase the production of weapons and equipment.

In November 2023, Mykhailo Fedorov reported that members of the Brave1 defense cluster had created a universal UGV Sirko-S1 ground robot for the military. The machine can transport cargo, evacuate the wounded and conduct reconnaissance of enemy positions.

On January 5, 2024, Fedorov informed that experts are testing the ground unmanned robot D-21-11, which can conduct reconnaissance, defend, or storm positions.

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