Ukraine's stunning repel of Russian troops near Chasiv Yar — video
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Ukraine's stunning repel of Russian troops near Chasiv Yar — video


The soldiers of the Ukrainian army showed another repulsion of the enemy attack. The footage was recorded in Chasiv Yar in the Donetsk region.

How the Ukrainian army repelled the attack of the Russian army in Chasiv Yar

On the night of May 22, Russian invaders attacked the town of Chasiv Yar, Donetsk region. The enemy used an unusual tactic, trying to break through the armor with a mine trawl.

However, fighters of the Black Swan strike group of the 225th assault battalion covered infantry fighting vehicles with artillery, hit the tank, and killed its crew with drops from drones.

The Russians cannot take Chasiv Yar

Such news was shared by the spokesman of the Khortytsia military unit, Nazar Voloshyn.

According to him, at first the soldiers of the Russian Federation mobilised in the direction of Chasiv Yar, but the powerful Ukrainian artillery and all units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) forced them to flee.

Russia has already planned to withdraw units of the 98th Airborne Division in the direction east of Chasiv Yar.

Nazar Voloshyn draws attention to the fact that the main reason for such a decision is the frenzied losses of the enemy during active assault operations.

What is important to understand is that the Russian invaders are actively attacking not only Chasiv Yar, but also the outskirts of Ivanivka and Bohdanivka.

During May 21, 1,270 mortar and artillery shells were recorded on this part of the front, compared to the previous day, there was an increase of 1,200 last day. Moreover, it is indicated that 301 shellings were recorded at Chasiv Yar alone.

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