US confirms permission for AFU to use weapons on Russia near Sumy region's border
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US confirms permission for AFU to use weapons on Russia near Sumy region's border

Source:  Ukrinform

The White House officially confirmed the permission for the Defence Forces to use American weapons on the territory of Russia near both the Kharkiv and Sumy regions.

Points of attention


  • These actions should prevent Russia from accumulating military force on the border with Ukraine.
  • International law gives Ukraine the right to defend itself against attacks on its territory, which the leaders of the USA and Germany emphasised.
  • The permission to use American weapons is a measure to counter enemy attacks and protect Ukrainian cities and citizens.

The White House allowed AFU to attack Russia's territory in another direction

We have stated quite clearly that this authorization for the use of American weapons allows the Ukrainians to fire back at Russian positions directly across the border in the Kharkiv region, as well as the Sumy region, — said Michael Carpenter, senior director for European affairs of the White House National Security Council

According to him, these actions will result in Russia being deprived of the opportunity to accumulate its troops on its own side of the border.

What is known about the permission to strike on Russia's territory

Recently, the United States allowed the Ukrainian military to strike with American weapons on Russian territory near the Kharkiv region. In the States, they believe this will help stop the enemy's attack on the region.

Thus, the head of the national defense committee of the Estonian Parliament, Kalev Stoicescu, explained why Ukraine should attack the Russian Federation. According to him, such strikes limit the enemy's ability to attack Ukrainian cities and the military.

In my opinion, there should be only one red line. If Russia attacks NATO, we will respond and the rules of the game will be different. The territory of Russia is not a sacred cow. The aggressor's territory is a legitimate goal, he emphasized.

In addition, Germany was allowed to hit the Russians with its weapons. The country's chancellor emphasized that Ukraine can defend itself against attacks on its territory.

According to international law, Ukraine has the right to defend itself against attacks on its territory, its cities and citizens. This also applies to such attacks as in the Kharkiv region, which Russia carries out from positions directly adjacent to the Russian border, — said Scholz.

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