USА and China have not agreed on a plan to end the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine. Sullivan revealed the reason
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USА and China have not agreed on a plan to end the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine. Sullivan revealed the reason

The White House

Officials Washington and Beijing could not reach an agreement during the discussion of a concrete plan for the diplomatic end of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The main reason is that the White House does not betray the principle "nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine".

Points of attention

  • Jake Sullivan said that the US and China have not yet made any progress on these issues.
  • The principle of "nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine" does not give the PRC the opportunity to push through its pro-Russian "peace plan".
  • As of today, negotiations with the Russian Federation may have fatal consequences for Ukraine.

The new negotiations between the USA and the People's Republic of China proved fruitless

The new details were revealed by the US President's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.

He officially confirmed that in recent days the American and Chinese authorities have been actively exchanging views on the situation at the front and possible scenarios for the end of the war.

According to Sullivan, Washington and Beijing have so far failed to make progress on these issues.

He also drew attention to the fact that the PRC has already voiced its principles in this regard both unilaterally and together with Brazil.

It was also not possible to agree on a specific plan of action with China.

First of all, this happened because the USA very strictly adheres to the simple principle — "nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine"... So, in the end, it is Ukraine that has to decide how it wants to continue the diplomatic and negotiation processes.

Jake Sullivan

Jake Sullivan

Advisor to Joe Biden

What could be the final of the potential negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation

Deputy commander of the Third Assault Brigade, ex-commander of the "Azov" regiment, Major Maxim Zhorin of the ZSU shared his forecast in an interview with Online.UA.

He drew attention to the fact that Ukraine began to be regularly pushed to start negotiations with Russia, but we should not forget that the consequences can be fatal.

Maksym Zhorin believes that the aggressor country of the Russian Federation will demand a conditional break, which it will use to prepare for a new powerful strike.

But the second time will be much more difficult for us. And when there will be a second blow — after that we may not get up. This is dangerous. Therefore, I believe that there should be no negotiations today at all, — he emphasized.

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