Putin again deceives with alleged peace proposal with Ukraine
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Putin again deceives with alleged peace proposal with Ukraine

Source:  online.ua

The illegitimate president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, said at the SCO Plus meeting that Russia can return to the so-called "Istanbul agreements" regarding peace between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, although he recently announced other conditions for negotiations.

Points of attention

  • Vladimir Putin actively uses the fiction of the "Istanbul agreements" as a tool to further destabilise the situation in Ukraine.
  • The Russian dictator presents new conditions for a peaceful settlement, demanding the lifting of sanctions against the Russian Federation due to the war against Ukraine.
  • Putin is trying to shift responsibility for the war to the Ukrainian side and Western countries.
  • Ukraine should be careful and not succumb to provocations and manipulations by the Kremlin in peace negotiations.
  • Vladimir Putin's political actions and proposals are aimed at preserving Russia's influence and control over Ukraine with the help of cunning promises and conditions.

Putin again mentioned the "Istanbul agreements" with Ukraine

The dictator says that "the Istanbul agreements remain on the table and can be used as a basis for the continuation of these negotiations (with Ukraine — ed.)."

Putin also started lying about the fact that Russia never refused and "is now ready to continue peace negotiations (with Ukraine)."

According to the ruler of the aggressor country's version, it was used to negotiate at the behest of Great Britain and the United States.

Putin also believes that the "Istanbul agreements" will suit Ukraine because it seems to have "initialised" them.

Putin announced new absurd conditions for negotiations with Ukraine

On June 14, the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, once again repeated that he is allegedly "ready for peace negotiations", but for this, Ukraine must withdraw its troops from all Ukrainian territories occupied by the Russians.

According to the dictator, the essence of the Russian proposal is allegedly "not in a temporary truce." It is not about freezing the conflict but about its "end", added the head of the Russian Federation.

Putin also called the neutral and non-nuclear status of Ukraine, as well as the lifting of sanctions against Russia, additional conditions for a peaceful settlement.

He added that now Moscow, they say, is making "another concrete, real peace proposal", and if Kyiv and the Western capitals reject it, "then it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed."

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