What is actually happening in the Pokrovsky direction. Exclusive details of the battles were revealed in the Presidential Brigade
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What is actually happening in the Pokrovsky direction. Exclusive details of the battles were revealed in the Presidential Brigade

Source:  online.ua

The camera crew of the independent Ukrainian media Online.UA went to the Pokrovsky area, where the soldiers of the 21st SSPB of the Separate Presidential Brigade named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi is being destroyed by the Russian invaders every day. Mykola Mygovich with the call sign "Phantom" and his comrades showed how the gunners work, what "fat target" they managed to hit this time, and also told about the peculiarities of the combat work of the "Partizan".

Points of attention

  • Artillerymen of the Presidential Brigade talk about the peculiarities of working with the "Partyzan" rocket salvo fire systems and show the results of their strikes.
  • Preparation and execution of a special task at the front is a rather complex process that requires high professionalism and experience.

New special task of artillerymen 21 SSPB

The first stage is a thorough preparation for going to the "Partizan" firing position.

What is important to understand is that the “Partizan” rocket launcher is used to launch single 122 mm rockets intended for the BM-21 “Grad” rocket launcher.

Ukrainian fighters, who work with rocket launchers, move in mobile groups and hunt for the manpower and equipment of the occupiers.

Photo: Online.UA

Now let's go out, shoot, see if there is a target. Previously, a large concentration of enemy infantry was stationed there — about 12 people. They brought them a mountain of sand, they were there without T-shirts, without anything, calmly pouring sand into bags in the back and making some folds. They were engaged in construction. From white bags, it catches the eye very well. They do everything "correctly". The main thing is that we do not take an example from them.

Mykola "Phantom" Mygovych

Mykola "Phantom" Mygovych

21 SSPB of the Separate Presidential Brigade named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

Hunting for Russian invaders in the Pokrovsky direction and its results

When the gunners of the 21st SSPB named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi arrived at the firing position — the key stage of their special task began:

First, the gunner throws the panorama into the basket, spreads the camouflage net, and the surveyor operator orients compass . The driver and the service number spread their paws for resistance.

After that, the gunner levels the car, and the surveyor operator already orients the gun.

We receive instructions, and a shot is fired. Then we form in the same order and leave the firing position.

Photo: Online.UA

It is worth noting that this special task for the soldiers of the Presidential Brigade was really successful.

They hit the target — the second missile landed as clearly as possible.

Photo: Online.UA

He (the Russian occupier — ed.) came out in shorts and a T-shirt, and simply "lay down" very close to him. It (rocket — ed.) has a normal flight of fragments. We are ready to work, always ready to work. We have a good team. There is simply something to compare with: with our beginning and with our current state. We have become very experienced. Of course, experience is an invaluable thing anywhere in life.

Mykola "Phantom" Mygovych

Mykola "Phantom" Mygovych

21 SSPB of the Separate Presidential Brigade named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

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