Will the Russia dare to attack Ukraine again after the defeat in the war — the answer of the veteran "Aidar"
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Will the Russia dare to attack Ukraine again after the defeat in the war — the answer of the veteran "Aidar"

Stanislav Dekhtyar
Source:  online.ua

Veteran of the 24th "Aidar" battalion Stanislav Dekhtyar with the call sign "Vinegar" calls on Ukrainians not to forget that Russia, in whatever form it exists, will forever remain our neighbor. This means that she can dare to take revenge even after a crushing defeat in the war. He stated this in an interview with Online.UA.

Points of attention

  • It is important for Ukraine to be ready for Russia to launch a new invasion after losing the current war.
  • A change of power in Russia by overthrowing the Putin regime does not guarantee changes in the policy of the aggressor country.
  • The awareness of collective responsibility for the future of the homeland must be formed in the Ukrainian people.

Russia will not be able to come to terms with the fact of defeat

According to Dekhtyar, Ukraine's victory in the war against Russia will be a kind of pause before the start of a new battle.

The aggressor country will not be able to survive the humiliation and will want revenge, as it has already happened more than once in its history.

All the same, this huge machine (Russia — ed.), having accumulated its resources, will knock it down again and again. So it was, so it will be. This happened for more than 400 years. In any case, as history shows, all wars end with negotiations and certain agreements. Can we influence it? We are not. But we have to.

Stanislav "Vinegar" Dekhtyar

Stanislav "Vinegar" Dekhtyar

Veteran of the 24th "Aidar" battalion

As the veteran notes, Ukrainians should do everything possible so that the war does not end with an ephemeral truce, because this would mean that all the sacrifices and exploits of our heroes were in vain.

It is also extremely important to realize the responsibility for what will happen next, because we cannot always count on the help of the USA, Europe and NATO.

We are in ourselves, and this is our problem. This is our responsibility. No one will solve our problems for us. And the fact that they give us help is cool. But that is still not enough for us... All this is done by our hands and will be done by our hands. We will not move anywhere geographically. We cannot build a big fence, dig a ditch with crocodiles, throw snakes there so that they (Russians - ed.) cannot get to us. They will be. And we have to accept that our neighbor is an idiot. He is and will be.

Can something change in Russia after the overthrow of Putin's regime?

A veteran of the "Aidar" battalion is convinced that even a change of power in the aggressor country will not change anything globally.

There (in Russia — ed.) people are morons, basically everyone. 143 million dovbni...

Against this background, it is important for Ukrainians to understand what we are actually dealing with.

It is necessary to remind our people about what is happening. It seems to me that people have a little cloudy eyes. They do not see the whole picture, and no one tells people about that picture, no one tells them, does not explain. And our people, unfortunately, do not have a sense of collective responsibility for what is being done.

Stanislav "Vinegar" Dekhtyar

Stanislav "Vinegar" Dekhtyar

Veteran of the 24th "Aidar" battalion

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