Yanukovych's plane landed in Belarus, partisans say
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Yanukovych's plane landed in Belarus, partisans say

Viktor Yanukovych

According to the "Belarusky Gayun" monitoring group, the plane of former "fugitive president" Viktor Yanukovych landed in Belarus on 24 May.

Yanukovych could fly to a meeting with Putin and Lukashenko

Viktor Yanukovych's Dassault Falcon 900C (RA-09617) plane landed at Gomel airport at 12:50 p.m., the partisans said in a statement.

They also specify that at the moment they cannot answer who exactly can be on board, but they draw attention to the fact that Yanukovych was last in Belarus in March 2022.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, then Vladimir Putin's team was preparing Yanukovych for a special operation — according to one of the scenarios, they could try to declare him "president of Ukraine".

Why did Putin fly to Lukashenko

According to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, he arrived in Belarus to meet with the illegitimate president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, to discuss security issues, as well as the participation of the Belarusian side in exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons.

Let's talk about the second phase of the training. This is due to the direct participation of our Belarusian friends, colleagues in the military sphere in these events,” said Putin.

In the evening of May 23, the plane of the Russian dictator landed at the airport of the Belarusian capital.

Later it became known that the first short conversation between the illegitimate presidents of Russia and Belarus had already taken place at the Minsk airport.

Oleksandr Lukashenko's press service clarifies that on May 24, the negotiations will take place in the Palace of Independence in Minsk, first in a narrow, and then in an expanded format.

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