Zelensky responded to Macron's initiative to send Western troops to Ukraine
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Zelensky responded to Macron's initiative to send Western troops to Ukraine

Zelensky responded to Macron's initiative to send Western troops to Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said what he thinks about the initiative of his colleague Emmanuel Macron to send Western troops to the territory of our state. According to the Ukrainian leader, if these troops will train Ukrainian fighters here, it will be much faster than sending our brigades abroad.

That Zelensky responded to Macron's initiative

And also here they should get combat experience, on this technique. Because it is one story when you are on this equipment in a peaceful state, and another on the battlefield. Second: build repair hubs to repair all Western equipment in Ukraine, in certain regions, underground. It works, even some things we already do and see how much faster it is. Some of the equipment that we send for repair, we get back after three months. We are also in favor of the proposal of the initiative to be at the border. How can we refuse? If they offer such a thing and will come, we will only support it, — noted the head of state.

At the same time, Zelensky stressed that he cannot be the initiator of the idea of sending Western troops to Ukraine, because then Russia will start sowing enmity between Western partners.

To be honest, I have not heard the details of this discussion between Macron and his partners. I really want to hear from Emmanuel. But I want to explain my attitude to you. Today, I cannot publicly say: "Yes, let's have armies, come to Ukraine and fight!" Do you know why? Because Russia will raise the hype in the world, they will start to raise the society of other countries that you cannot send your children to war, that it is not their war, they will start to split the unity between European countries and NATO countries, — the president explained.

According to Zelenskyi, it is risky for Ukraine to be the initiator in this matter. He added that if he makes such a statement, the Russian Federation will do everything to prevent the Armed Forces from receiving military aid from other countries.

Societies will be divided, they will put pressure on the leaders of their states and they will inhibit our supplies. But if there are initiatives from other states, then let's be frank — Ukraine will never be against if someone wants to help Ukraine. A fact, he emphasized.

As the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Elina Valtonen, emphasized, Western countries, in particular the United States, should not completely reject the idea of introducing their troops into Ukraine, if the situation will deteriorate rapidly.

Finland supported Macron's idea regarding Ukraine

It is important that we do not rule it out (introduction of Western troops into Ukraine — ed.) in the long term, because we never know how serious the situation will become.

Elina Valtonen

Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland

Despite her loud and unexpected call, the diplomat also added that her country's position as of today is clear and unchanging: until now, Finland will not introduce any of its troops into Ukraine and does not want to discuss it.

Journalists draw attention to the fact that Elina Valtonen's words referred to a long-term and hypothetical choice.

As Politico notes, a negative scenario of the development of the Russian-Ukrainian war can dramatically change the categorical decision of Western countries.

Eventually, they may realize that the Russian army has gone too far and must be stopped immediately.

It is then that the idea of introducing Western troops into Ukraine may get a second lease of life.

Germany, France and Poland agreed not to send troops to Ukraine

On March 15, it was officially announced that the leaders of France, Germany and Poland, President Emmanuel Macron, Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Prime Minister Donald Tusk, after joint negotiations, agreed to increase support for Ukraine.

Despite this, they also concluded that they will not send their troops to deter the Russian army on the Ukrainian front.

We will do whatever is necessary for as long as it takes to prevent Russia from winning this war. We will continue to support Ukraine and its people as long as necessary and, as from day one, we will not initiate any escalation. But our determination is tough, they said.

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