Zelenskyy names reasons for AFU failure counteroffensive in 2023 summer: details
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Zelenskyy names reasons for AFU failure counteroffensive in 2023 summer: details

Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Source:  Business Insider

According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the summer of 2023 was probably doomed to failure from the very beginning.

Why AFU failed to conduct a successful counteroffensive in the summer of 2023

The Russians knew where we were going to attack. How did they know? Where did they get this information? I can't tell you that. History will tell,” Zelenskyy explains.

The head of state emphasised that the Kremlin already knew about the plans of the Ukrainian military in advance.

According to Zelenskyy, Ukraine itself is to blame for several problems.

He noted that the Ukrainian military did not have enough necessary equipment at the beginning of the counteroffensive.

At the same time, the president noted the positive side of the Armed Forces' counteroffensive last year.

What we did, for example, on the Black Sea. It was positive. We created an alternative grain corridor in the Black Sea and destroyed many units of the Russian fleet. Is it all a big success? On the one hand, no. On the other hand, Ukraine persevered. This is a great success, the head of state emphasised.

Zelenskyy also stated that there are plans for a Ukrainian counteroffensive in 2024.

And this counteroffensive should give us certain results, — assured Zelenskyy.

What Zelenskyy says to his son about Ukraine's victory

Journalists of the German publication Bild note that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told them how he communicates with his son about the war in Ukraine and the victory over Russia.

The Ukrainian president talks about the war, but becomes almost gentle: "He asks the question: when will we win? He is eleven, but I am sure that he is the same as most Ukrainians." And, like a child, Kyrylo wants to see the victory that his father brought, says the material of the publication.

According to journalists, Zelenskyy is becoming severe and challenging again.

We will definitely win. We have no alternative. But I can't promise it and give a date. "It doesn't matter if it's my son or other citizens of Ukraine," Zelenskyy explains.

At the same time, in an interview with Politico, Zelenskyy criticized former President Donald Trump's statements about the need for territorial concessions to Russia from Ukraine.

I need very strong arguments. I don't need a fantastic idea. I need a real idea, because people's lives are at stake, emphasised the head of state.

The president noted that he is ready to listen to Trump's proposals regarding the end of the war in Ukraine but called the options for territorial concessions in exchange for an end to aggression and terror on the part of Russia frankly primitive.

We delivered messages and context through the right people. We said that we would like Donald Trump to come to Ukraine, see everything with his own eyes and draw his own conclusions. In any case, I am ready to meet with him and discuss this issue, emphasised Zelenskyy.

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