Zelenskyy says Ukraine won't cede its territories to Russia for war's end
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Zelenskyy says Ukraine won't cede its territories to Russia for war's end

Office of the President of Ukraine
Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the French National Assembly during his visit to France and ruled out the possibility of any territorial concessions to Russia.

Points of attention

  • Zelenskyy ruled out the possibility of territorial concessions to Russia, stressing the inadmissibility of losing a war with Russia.
  • The president confidently asserts that Ukraine will win the war started by Russia and calls for unity and bold actions.
  • Zelenskyy warned the EU about the real threat from Russia, stressing that other European countries could become possible victims of aggression.
  • The President revealed the danger of the Russian regime and its aggressive actions towards various countries, expressing confidence in the importance of unity and fighting the threat.
  • Zelenskyy called for the courage and support of allies in the fight against Russian aggression, emphasizing the importance of unity and the absence of a place for evil in the world.

Zelenskyy rules out the possibility of territorial concessions from Russia

Can Putin win the war? No, because you and I have no right to lose. Can this war die out on the lines that exist now? No, because there are no lines for evil that exist 80 years ago or now. And if someone tries to draw temporary lines himself, it will only give a pause before a new war...Hitler crossed line after line, Putin is doing the same today, — the president emphasised.

The head of state expressed confidence that Ukraine will win the criminal war unleashed by Russia.

Can we win this battle? Definitely yes. We can. Ukraine, Ukraine, and therefore Europe. Europe, and therefore France. I am sure of it, as is France. France believed in freedom when D-Day had not yet taken place, but the day of the landing, like the day of European victory, was inevitable, Zelenskyy emphasised.

Zelenskyy warned the EU about the real threat of an attack from Russia

According to the president, the next victims of Russian aggression may be the Baltic states, Poland or the Balkans.

They are once again trying to reshape Europe by force and they say that certain peoples allegedly "do not deserve" to exist independently. All this is directed against Ukraine today, but in order to be directed against others tomorrow, — emphasised the head of state.

Zelenskyy once again emphasized that Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin will not stop at Ukraine in case of success.

This Russian regime does not recognize borders, even Europe is not enough for it, it has already destroyed Syria and chaotic the Sahel, it invests in terror and undermines life where it can reach, where it does not meet resistance, — the president notes.

The head of state noted that the Kremlin's threats to the leadership of France due to the alleged sending of French military instructors to Ukraine are another argument in favour of bold actions by partners.

When the Russian Federation issued direct threats to France, this became just one more argument in favor of our courage, in favor of the fact that no evil in the world had the audacity to oppose itself to France and declare the French "military targets," Zelenskyy emphasised.

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