US aid insufficient and too slow, Zelenskyy says
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US aid insufficient and too slow, Zelenskyy says

Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Source:  The Guardian

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that aid from the United States is coming too slowly and in insufficient quantities.

Zelenskyy calls aid from the US insufficient

The head of state noted that the funds received from the US are not enough.

From this amount, I believe, not much has come today. In my personal opinion. I can't staff the reserve brigades just to change the brigades that are standing so that there is a normal rotation. Russia clearly understands this — what they are doing with Kharkiv and why they are going to the North — to stretch the front. They know that we have an understaffed reserve, they know that we cannot send a reserve without suitable weapons — as they send theirs, like meat. They understand that our troops, which are stationed in the East, and Russia does not give up the main goal of occupying the entire east of our country — we need to stretch our forces. If enough had come, we would have equipped the brigades, we would not have withdrawn our forces from Donbas, and we could have responded with a long-range response in the Kharkiv region, explains the president.

Zelenskyy noted that the US Congress has approved the allocation of a significant amount to Ukraine, which enables the staffing of new units, but Western partners lack the speed to provide it.

The president also explained that Ukraine needs help faster, because the Russian Federation can take human lives every minute.

Zelenskyy spoke about evaders

The head of state noted that he understands Ukrainian men who try to avoid mobilisation and do not want to fight, but in the current conditions, mobilisation is necessary.

In particular, Zelenskyy recalled a story when he met a Ukrainian woman in Portugal, whose husband died at the front.

I told her: "We must do everything to end the war as soon as possible. And I am very sorry that you lost your husband. He is a hero, and he is certainly a hero not only to you, but to all of us. But we cannot say, that there were only patriots at the beginning, because if there are no patriots on the front line, then why hasn't Putin occupied us completely?

He admitted that "after two and a half years of war, of course, it's a slightly different energy." Zelenskyy noted that he understands those men who do not want to fight, but he honestly noted, mentioning those who are already fighting, that mobilisation is necessary.

Sometimes there are cases like you mentioned. Some people don't want to go to war. Someone is afraid. And I think they are human. We are all human. But you can't say that everyone is running away now, and they didn't run away before. No, it's not like that, the president objected.

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