Zelenskyy vetoes bill on employees dismissal for working with Russia
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Zelenskyy vetoes bill on employees dismissal for working with Russia

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy vetoed the bill adopted by Parliament on the right to dismiss from work in case of suspicion of collaborationism.

Why did Zelenskyy veto the bill on dismissal from work in case of suspicion of collaborations?

It is noted that the head of state vetoed the bill and added his proposals.

The bill with the presidential amendments has already been sent to the relevant parliamentary committee for consideration.

What is known about the bill on dismissal from work due to collaborationism

According to MP Taras Tarasenko, a member of the Parliamentary Committee on Social Policy and Veterans' Rights, bill No. 7731, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada, gives employers additional grounds for firing employees from critical infrastructure enterprises in case of suspicion of collaborationism.

In the conditions of war, it is necessary to create new frameworks so that employers can ensure the safety of the enterprise, this is especially relevant for enterprises of critical infrastructure. In the approved draft law, we prescribed the following conditions under which the Cabinet of Ministers will be able to develop rules for the dismissal of persons by the employer, if the investigation revealed facts that could harm the company or the country, Tarasenko noted.

For his part, MPy Oleksiy Goncharenko noted that due to cases of collaborationism at critical infrastructure enterprises, the bill proposed giving employers the right to terminate the contract with employees in the event of a corresponding court decision regarding the implementation of collaborative activities.

At the same time, this did not apply to cases when the accused was released from serving a sentence with a probationary period.

The bill also proposed introducing mandatory rules of conduct at enterprises, institutions, and organisations that are strategic to the economy and security of the state.

It concerned the fact that the employees had to provide information about their connections with natural persons whose permanent residence is located on the territory of the aggressor state or the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.

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