Is it possible to bring propagandists to justice — the answer of the director of the PayBack4Ukraine campaign
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Is it possible to bring propagandists to justice — the answer of the director of the PayBack4Ukraine campaign

Is it possible to bring propagandists to justice — the answer of the director of the PayBack4Ukraine campaign

Jane Alieva, director of the PayBack4Ukraine campaign and founder of the Mama Jane Charity Foundation, spoke about the PayBack4Ukraine lawfare programme for Ukrainians, which aims to bring to justice those responsible for participating in Russia's war against Ukraine, including Russian propagandists.

Source: Jane Alieva for United News telethon

How PayBack4Ukraine plans to bring Russian propagandists to justice

Lithuania recently began investigating the activities of Russian propagandists Solovyov, Skobeeva and Krasovsky.

However, when we say that Russian propagandists are no less criminals than the Russian authorities themselves, and that they should be brought to justice, most people are skeptical about this. Jane Alieva, director of the PayBack4Ukraine campaign, told whether it is realistic to bring them to justice.

“This is definitely possible, and what many specialists in the world are working on. We see the example of the Lithuanians and were inspired by their bold work in this direction, so we took it up with our PayBack4Ukraine team. I must assure you that we have special authorities that monitor every word that "comes out" of the black mouths of such "Simonians". We have a center for Countering Disinformation, the SSU, and we are in regular and fruitful contact with them.”

Evidence is being collected against Russian propagandists, which will then be filed in a criminal case.

“Yes, it will continue. Recently, Reuters published a comment from the "swamps" about the fact that they (the Russians — ed.) themselves admit that they are deporting children to Russia. Our government is monitoring what and we will work together.”

What does the PayBack4Ukraine campaign do?

 Jane Alieva says that in translation PayBack4Ukraine means "Payback for Ukraine".

 “It may sound aggressive, but it matches the team's mood, - Jane Alieva explains the name of the campaign.”

This is a team of tens of Ukrainian and thousands of international law firms and lawyers who have been engaged in this pro bono program for a year and a half, that is, they help Ukraine for free.

“All these people are working for our victory. We started with the case against Wagner, now we are looking in the direction of propagandists, studying the direction of ecocide, which is very important. This is followed by a close study of cases related to the deportation of children to Russia, sexual violence against the military and civilians, drones that do not allow us to sleep at night.”

Now the PayBack4Ukraine project is trying to attract as many ambassadors as possible who can help in the development of this case, so that the Russians pay in full for their crimes.

“People's support is of great importance, and the project was recently joined by a British colonel, a military veteran who participated in the Falklands War and the war in Northern Ireland Tim Spicer, as well as Giles Duley, a British documentary filmmaker and photographer who heads the Legacy of War foundation. He has been supporting us and coming to Ukraine for a year now. He is the first UN representative on human rights with disabilities in conflicts of war and the restoration of peace. He understands the situation very well and has a lot of experience.”

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Ситуация на юге Украины снова обостряется — что задумала Россия

Что известно о ситуации на юге Украины

Спикер Сил обороны Юга Владислав Волошин подробно рассказал, что сейчас происходит на юге Украины, а также раскрыл планы российских захватчиков на этом участке фронта.

Главные тезисы

  • Российские захватчики пытаются продвинуться в глубь Запорожской области.
  • В Херсонской области россияне применяют штурмовую армейскую авиацию, различные БПЛА, артиллерию, реактивные системы залпового огня.

Что известно о ситуации на юге Украины

Владислав Волошин официально подтвердил, что российские захватчики делают все возможное, чтобы продвинуться в глубь Запорожской области и даже выйти на ее административные границы.

По его словам, армия РФ стянула туда определенное количество сил и средств: сейчас она проводит штурмовые действия малыми группами пехоты.

И тактика применения этих малых групп приносит определенный результат России на других направлених. Поэтому они и пытаются применить тактику ползучего наступления, штурмов малыми группами пехоты — на Ореховском и Гуляйпольском направлениях.

Владислав Волошин

Владислав Волошин

Спикер Сил обороны Юга

Кроме того, указано, что за последний месяц количество таких штурмов в Запорожской области существенно возросло.

На фоне последних событий Россия не отказывается от планов захватить определенные плацдармы, в том числе в островной зоне, на правом берегу Херсона.

На этом участке фронта враг проводит разведывательно-поисковые действия — делает все возможное, чтобы переправиться через Днепр, днепровские проливы и закрепиться на правом берегу или на одном из островов.

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