ATESH movement reveals details of AFU Apr 30 night strike on Russian occupiers in Crimea
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ATESH movement reveals details of AFU Apr 30 night strike on Russian occupiers in Crimea

Source:  ATESH

The Crimean Tatar resistance movement ATESH learned about the details of the successful air attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the military facilities of the occupiers in Dzhankoi and Simferopol.

ATESH investigated the details of AFU's night strikes in occupied Crimea

ATESH agents learned new information about the particular Air Force operation in Crimea on the night of April 30.

It was really hot in Crimea tonight. Our agents among the military of the Russian Armed Forces report five strikes on the Dzhankoi airfield. Many wounded and liquidated occupiers.

A combined drone and missile attack on Russian military facilities was carried out. Agents also reported explosions in Henichesk and Krasnogvardeiskyi districts as well as in Simferopol.

We are working on getting more detailed information. We are also waiting for official information from the Defence Forces of Ukraine.

What is known about one of the most protected Russian oil depots in the occupied Crimea?

It is noted that ATESH partisans have been monitoring one of the largest oil depots used by the occupation army of the Russian Federation in Dzhankoi for several months.

For many months, starting from the end of last year, our agents conducted reconnaissance and surveillance of the oil depot in Dzhankoi, ATESH said in a statement.

In particular, the partisans established logistical routes and equipment used by the Russian occupiers to transport oil products from the Dzhankoi oil depot.

The territory of the oil depot is fenced, it is constantly patrolled and dozens of cameras are located around the entire perimeter.

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