Russian army hits a storey building in Belgorod, say CIT analysts
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Russian army hits a storey building in Belgorod, say CIT analysts

A destroyed high-rise building in Belgorod
Source:  Radio Svoboda

Investigators of the Conflict Intelligence Team note that the strike on a high-rise building in Belgorod on May 12 was caused by a Russian munition.

CIT analysts deny Ukraine's involvement in the attack on a high-rise building in Belgorod

Analysts note that the Russian propaganda media showed only the part of the building that is on the Ukrainian side, while the most destruction was caused to the side from the Russian rear.

Having studied and analyzed the visual materials, we came to the conclusion that with a high probability the flight at the house happened from the northeast, and we are inclined to the fact that it was an anti-aircraft guided missile from the Russian air defense complex, or a freelance high-explosive aerial bomb (FAB) from the universal planning module and corrections (UMPK). The version that a missile from the Ukrainian "Point-U" could change its trajectory in such a way under the influence of an anti-aircraft missile in order to hit this side of the house seems unlikely to us, — notes CIT co-founder Ruslan Leviev.

Why did Russia need to strike a high-rise building in Belgorod?

According to political scientist Oleg Lisny, the regime of the illegitimate president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, most likely organized the explosion of a house in Belgorod to influence both its population and the West.

Of course, propagandists will now look for the mythical "Ukrainian trace" here.

Most likely, this was done to "encourage" the Russian population. They need to be pushed for further mobilisation.

As Lisny emphasized, another goal of Putin is to justify to the world why they want to create a so-called "sanitary zone" in the Kharkiv region.

But for some reason, people in Russia did not ask themselves the question that there were no problems in Belgorod until Russia started a full-scale war.

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