US has called on China and Russia to declare that AI not to control nuclear weapons
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US has called on China and Russia to declare that AI not to control nuclear weapons

Putin and Xi
Source:  Reuters

The US State Department called on China and Russia to agree with statements by the US and other countries that only humans, not artificial intelligence, will make decisions on the deployment of nuclear weapons.

The US calls on Russia and China to make a statement on nuclear weapons and AI

According to Reuters, US State Department arms control official Paul Dean made the announcement at an online briefing.

According to him, Washington has made a "clear and strong commitment" that humans have full control over nuclear weapons, adding that France and the UK have done the same.

We would welcome a similar statement from China and the Russian Federation. We think it's an extremely important norm of responsible behaviour, and we think it's something that would be very desirable in the context of the P5," he said, referring to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

US-China talks on nuclear weapons and AI

According to Reuters, the US State Department official's remarks came amid efforts by the administration of US President Joe Biden to deepen discussions with China on nuclear weapons policy and the development of artificial intelligence.

The discussions on artificial intelligence were revealed during talks between US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing on 26 April.

China and the US agreed to hold their first bilateral talks on artificial intelligence in the coming weeks, according to Blinken.

He added that the two countries will share views on how best to manage the risks and security associated with the technology.

To normalise military ties, US and Chinese officials resumed discussions on nuclear weapons in January, but formal arms control talks are not expected.

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