Analysts say Putin is likely uninterested shortly in productive peace talks with Ukraine
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Analysts say Putin is likely uninterested shortly in productive peace talks with Ukraine

Source:  ISW

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is not interested and is unlikely to be interested in the near future in good faith negotiations for peace in Ukraine.

Points of attention


  • Putin's statements about the conditions for ending the war in Ukraine are called by analysts absurd and aimed at personal gain.
  • Volodymyr Putin offers the terms of the ceasefire, which include the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the occupied territories and Ukraine's rejection of plans to join NATO.
  • Putin also demands the neutral and nuclear-free status of Ukraine, as well as the lifting of sanctions against Russia, as a prerequisite for a peaceful settlement of the conflict.
  • Analysts emphasise that Putin's true purpose in making these statements is to continue his political game and demonstrate strength to the West.

Putin is not interested in productive negotiations for peace in Ukraine

Analysts note that on June 16, at the summit, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that "Russia should not sit at the negotiating table now" and that peace in Ukraine will only come when "Russia agrees to international principles and the UN Charter."

At the same time, analysts note that the ruler Putin is not interested in negotiations in good faith and only feigns interest in negotiations in individual cases as part of a broader information effort aimed at inciting the West to make concessions that would violate Ukraine's sovereignty.

Putin is unlikely to be interested in negotiating in good faith for the foreseeable future, given that he recently put forward a theory of Russian victory in Ukraine, which is based on the assumption that Russian forces are capable of an indefinite creeping advance on the battlefield to withstand Western support for Ukraine.

The Russian dictator put forward absurd "conditions for ending the war in Ukraine"

On the eve of the Peace Summit, Putin stated that Ukrainian troops "must be withdrawn totally from the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions within the administrative borders.

In addition, according to the illegitimate president of Russia, "Ukraine should inform about its refusal to join NATO." He said, "If these conditions are met, Russia will immediately cease fire."

I draw your attention, precisely from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative borders, which existed at the time of their entry into Ukraine. As soon as Kyiv declares that it is ready for such a decision and begins the real withdrawal of troops from these regions, as well as officially announces the rejection of plans to join NATO, an order to cease fire and start negotiations will come from our side immediately, literally at that very moment. I repeat, we will do it immediately, — said Putin.

According to him, the essence of the Russian proposal is allegedly "not in a temporary truce." It is not about freezing the conflict but about its "end", added the Russian dictator.

Putin also called the neutral and non-nuclear status of Ukraine, as well as the lifting of sanctions against Russia, additional conditions for a peaceful settlement.

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