Russia's attack on Kyiv and Dnipro — 4 people were killed
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Russia's attack on Kyiv and Dnipro — 4 people were killed

Serhii Lysak / Dnipropetrovsk OVA
Russia's attack on Kyiv and Dnipro — 4 people were killed

At least three peaceful residents of Dnipro became victims of a new missile attack by the Russian invaders, which occurred in the evening of October 25. A girl born in 2009 died in Kyiv.

Points of attention

  • Emergency services, philanthropists, and communal workers mobilized quickly to provide assistance and support to the affected residents, including psychological aid and removal of debris.
  • The Russian army also targeted the Nikopol region using kamikaze drones and artillery, causing damage to infrastructure and threatening the safety of the local community.
  • Efforts are ongoing to assess the extent of the damage and provide necessary aid to the victims of these brutal attacks, highlighting the urgent need for peace and resolution in the region.

Russia's attack on the Dnipro — the latest details

Three people died in Dnipro, including a child. 19 victims, four of them children. Eight are hospitalized. As a result of the night rocket attack in the city, there is destruction in several locations at once.


In addition, it is emphasized that a two-story residential building and a garage came under a new attack of the enemy.


This time, the Russian invaders damaged 13 apartment buildings and 2 private houses, 30 cars, damaged hospital buildings.

According to Serhiy Lysak, after the first explosions rang out, all services rushed to help people — the emergency services, the ambulance service, the police.

Philanthropists also work. Hot food and drinks are provided. Locals were also given psychological support. Communal workers have already removed 80 tons of construction waste.


The Russian army also launched an attack on the Nikopol region, hitting the district center and the Marganets community.

For this, the enemy used kamikaze drones and artillery. Damaged infrastructure. People are whole.

The attack of the Russian Federation on Kyiv — what is known

On the evening of October 25, the mayor of the capital, Vitaliy Klitschko, announced that an explosion had occurred in the Solom'yansk district — a Russian drone had hit a residential building.

The upper floors are on fire. Emergency services are on the spot, the mayor said.

Later it became known that apartments from the 17th to 21st floors were damaged. The fire was extinguished.

A girl born in 2009 died. 5 people were injured. Four were treated on the spot, one person was hospitalized, Klitschko said.

A mobile tent was deployed on site for the residents of the building to provide the necessary assistance.

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