On May 23, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Heroes, honoring warriors who dedicated their lives to the country’s freedom and independence.
Budanov: Ukrainians are an example of invincibility
On May 23, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Heroes (also known as the Heroes’ Day). This is a national holiday, during which the fighters for the freedom and independence of the country are honored.
As Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU), noted Ukraine celebrates the Day of Heroes on May 23. It honors people who became a strong shield of Ukrainian will, a pillar of our sovereignty and independence.
Since the times of Kyivan Rus and the Cossacks, Ukrainian knights have protected their country. They destroyed the invaders and carried out victorious raids into the territory of the eternal enemy. During the national liberation struggle of the twentieth century, Ukrainians became an example of invincibility, continuing the tradition of creating a state. This path must be taken. We are lucky that we succeeded.

Kyrylo Budanov
Head of GUR
Budanov also added that from the past to now the Heroes of Ukraine are united by a single spirit. Every day in the fight for the truth is a difficult test of strength, courage and faith. But despite all the trials, the future of Ukraine is unshakable — in the circle of free democratic peoples.
Military, medics, rescuers, volunteers. All those who today fight back against Russian aggression are worthy of the highest respect and recognition, the head of the DIU noted.
Kyrylo Budanov noted that the soldiers of the military intelligence of Ukraine have more than once proven their courage, loyalty to the country and the oath.
No matter what fierce battle awaits us ahead, we stand firmly together on our ground. And let everyone who violates our principles and our will pay the highest price for it.

Kyrylo Budanov
Head of DIU
DIU presented a film for Heroes' Day
Especially for Heroes' Day, which Ukrainians celebrate annually on May 23, the DIU presented the documentary film "Country of Heroes".
Together with famous military men and historians, the head of the DIU of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Kyrylo Budanov, gave an exclusive interview for the film.
Subsequently, the Day of Heroes was celebrated by the Ukrainian diaspora. In independent Ukraine, Heroes' Day on May 23 began to be celebrated more widely after the Russian attack in 2014.