Moldova condemns intentions of Russian "peacekeepers" to conduct military training in Transnistria
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Moldova condemns intentions of Russian "peacekeepers" to conduct military training in Transnistria

Source:  Newsmaker

Chisinau condemned the intention of Russian "peacekeepers" in unrecognised Transnistria to conduct manoeuvres to test the movement of armoured vehicles stationed at peacekeeping posts.

Moldova reacted to the intentions of the Russian "peacekeepers" to conduct training in Transnistria

According to the Moldovan delegation to the Joint Control Commission (JCC), the Russian “peacekeepers” reported the manoeuvres a few hours after the JCC meeting ended, although this topic was not discussed at the meeting.

In particular, the Russian "peacekeepers" reported that from 17 May to 17 June they will conduct maneuvers to test the movement capabilities of armored vehicles stationed at peacekeeping posts.

The Moldovan delegation condemns such "initiatives", which are inappropriate in the context of the regional security situation and illegal, as they were not approved at the JCC meeting. The demonstrative and repeated implementation of such uncoordinated actions is yet another evidence of a gross violation of the principles of the peacekeeping mission on the Dniester.

The delegation of Moldova warns of the possible undesirable consequences of such provocative actions and calls on all participants of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces to refrain from their implementation in order to avoid destabilising the situation in the Security Zone, Chisinau said.

Can the Russian army go to Ukraine from Transnistria?

Serhii Bratchuk, spokesman of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army "South", noted that one should never forget how cunningly and actively Russian propaganda works.

For example, recently rumors began to spread about the alleged start of evacuation from Odesa.

What is important to understand is that if Putin could really open a second front, he would do it in February 2022.

I would like to remind you that the first sabotage groups that we detained in Odesa at the beginning of the war were from the territory of unrecognised Transnistria. We perfectly understand why this was done, where exactly there was an accumulation of enemy forces located on the territory of Transnistria,’ noted the spokesman of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army "South".

As Bratchuk notes, Putin may want to open a second front, but he does not yet have such an opportunity.

As you know, the Russian authorities always dream about Odesa and other cities, but so far all this remains only at the level of fantasies.

You can learn more about the situation and mood in Moldova from the special issue:

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