National Guardsmen of "Kara-Daga" stole a tank from the occupiers in the Pokrovsky direction ― video
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National Guardsmen of "Kara-Daga" stole a tank from the occupiers in the Pokrovsky direction ― video

Tank T-72
Source:  Andrii Tsaplienko

According to journalist Andrii Tsaplienko, fighters of the "Kara-Dag" brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine seized a T-72 tank of the criminal army of the Russian Federation in the Pokrovsk region of Donetsk region.

Points of attention

  • The Kara-Dag brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine seized a Russian T-72 tank in the Pokrovsky region, showcasing their unique combat skills.
  • The fighters of the Kara-Dag brigade have successfully captured enemy equipment in the past, demonstrating their proficiency in combat operations.
  • There are calls for opening courses at the base of the 15th brigade to teach other soldiers the technology of stealing enemy armored vehicles, highlighting the effectiveness of the Kara-Dag brigade in such operations.
  • The Ukrainian military command deployed the Kara-Dag brigade in the Pokrovsk region to strengthen the defense in Donetsk, showcasing their strategic importance in military operations.
  • The Kara-Dag brigade, formed in 2014, has a history of active participation in combat operations, including capturing enemy BMP-3 and T-72 tanks, making them skilled tank hunters.

What is known about the capture by the fighters of "Kara-Dagu" of the tank of the Russian occupiers in the Pokrovsk region

This morning, the National Guardsmen stole a tank from the Russians. The second T-72 that falls in the frame is a Russian tank. The fighters waited until his crew got out of the armored car. Then they jumped into their place, gas to the floor and forward to the Ukrainian positions, — notes the journalist.

Tsaplienko emphasized that the fighters of the "Karad-Dag" brigade have repeatedly captured enemy equipment.

In particular, in the Zaporizhzhia region, the soldiers of the 15th brigade of Karad-Dag NGU had already seized a T-72 tank from the Russian invaders.

And before that, the Ukrainian military captured the enemy BMP-3.

Guys, you really are some unique tank hunters. At the base of the 15th brigade, courses on the technology of stealing enemy armored vehicles should be opened, — adds Tsaplienko.

What is known about the transfer of the "Karad-Dag" brigade to Pokrovska district

As part of efforts to strengthen the defense in the Pokrovsk region of Donetsk region, the Ukrainian military command deployed one of the few "Kara-Dag" brigades prepared for the offensive.

Fighters of the "Kara-Dag" brigade, numbering up to 2 thousand people, were transferred to Pokrovsk from the south of Ukraine.

The "Kara-Dag" brigade as part of the National Guard of Ukraine was formed in 2014.

Fighters of the brigade took part in combat operations near Melitopol at the beginning of the invasion of the criminal army of the Russian Federation into Ukraine in 2022.

For two years, this brigade practically remained in the same district.

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